Day 1

307 10 2

Y/N was left alone in a burning house, her parents died, but luckily a woman heard Y/N's crying. She went up to Y/N and lend her a hand.

"My name's Evangaline, what's ur name?"

"I'm Y/N McPhee, daughter of Nanny McPhee" Y/N replied.

"I know her, she once took care of the Brown's children, I was their maid. I shall now take care of you and bring you home"

"thank you Evangaline"

Y/N held Evangaline's hand as she knocked on the door.

"Well, who's child is this that you have brought?" Mr.Brown said as he opened the door for us.

"This is Y/N McPhee, daughter of Nanny McPhee"

"Ahh... I remember her, Come in, Come in"

As Y/N stepped into the house a young boy with a slightly darker hair than dirty blonde and Chocolate Hazel eyes greeted Y/N.

"Hi I'm Simon Brown, and you must be Nanny McPhee's daughter right?"

"Yeah, I am"

Y/N then went up the stairs to the bedroom and met the rest of the siblings.

"Children, time for bed!!" Evangaline shouted from downstairs.

"Evangaline, where shall I sleep?" Y/N asked

"You shall sleep with Simon since he has the biggest bed, sorry if you don't like that, we don't have any more rooms or beds for you. SIMON! Do you mind if Y/N can sleep on your bed?"

"Uhm... FINE" Simon replied

Simon went off to bed early as I get to know the rest of the siblings. We found a lot of similarities and became friends easily. Everybody was then asleep and then Y/N slid under the covers with Simon on a pretty big bed. Y/N turned the other way of where Simon was facing so that it wouldn't be awkward.

As Y/N was nearly fast asleep, she felt a warm arm wrapped around her waist, hugging Y/N tightly. Simon then pulled Y/N closer to him and drifted off to sleep.

(Simon Brown X The Reader) ~I promise I will try to continue~Where stories live. Discover now