Chapter 1

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Craigs POV

Wow. I can't believe that this is actually happening. What is it, you may ask? Well, i'm writing my thoughts and what happens durring the day in a journal that anyone can read. I wanted mom to get a lockable one. The main reason is because of the fatass in my class, Cartman. Theres also my friend in the orange hoodie, Kenny. He mostly speaks like "Mmmhm Mmhf mmph." But nonetheless, hes still my friend. Theres Kyle, the guy in the green hat. Hes a jew. I don't mind, but Cartmans a dick about it. Theres Wendy, Stans crush.
And then theres Stan. Hes a nervous wreck all the time. You have Token, the only kid i know that lives in a mansion. Then theres my good friend Tweek. Hes a bit of an addict. Not to drugs or  alcohol. To coffee. His parents run the coffee shop in town. Hes the taste tester and delivery boy. At least, when hes not playing Superheroes or at school.

Today was strange, though. It started when my dad had called for me...


"Craig! You're friends are here!"

"Coming!"I shout down the stairs. I grab my hat off of my bed, put it on, and run downstairs.

"There you are! We've been waiting for you!" Cartman tells me. I sigh. Hes such a fat bitch. He was dumb.

"Sorry. I needed to get ready. So, what's up?" I say. I didn't really care. School was over, and I was gonna relax.

"We need you to head to the CAF base! Quick!" Cartman tells me.

Cartman walks away. I see Kenny at the crooswalk with Kyle and Stan. Kenny starts heading across...and gets hit by a car. I gasp.

"Oh my god! You killed Kenny!" Stan says is shock.

"You bastard!" Kyle says. They run off. I watch them run.

I hurry to Cartmans house and open the door. I went to the basement door and entered the password. He changed it yesterday. Now its "Suck My Balls". Hes such a child. It was "Fuck Freedom Pals". Before that it was "Fuck You Mom". I joined on that last one. I don't know any others. I slap the S sticker on my shirt and the Super Craig sticker on my hat, and head downstairs.

"Fucking finally! I thought you got lost." Car- I mean, the Coon, says in a douchy way. Such a jackass.

"Team. We have another trator on our hands." He said. I looked around and saw Wonder Tweek wasn't here. He couldn't be the trator...could he?

"Wonder Tweek betrayed us for the Freedom Pals! Fucking trator!" He said, pissed off. I couldn't believe it. My favourite member betrayed us. I. Was. Fucking. Pissed.

We talked for a while, then we went home. I layed in bed for a while, still wondering why Tweek betrayed us. I eventually fell asleep.

Ima ask Tweek about it tomorrow. I hope its not cause their franchise is better. I would rather hope it was because it was Cartmans douchy attitude. Oh well. I'm not gonna worry right now.

Thank you for reading! More coming soon! Well, if i feel like it. Thank you again!

----------------BONUS SONG!--------------------

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