Chapter 19: The Admiral

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"Oh, fuck!" she exclaimed, grinning beneath her helmet. "Leia!"

The Princess didn't hear her, and Orona turned to see what everyone had been staring at.

Stormtroopers rushed towards an intense duel between a Sith Lord and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The former Jedi Master noticed the troops, realizing he was trapped. Darth Vader, seeing this moment of distraction, swung his glowing red lightsaber down. Kenobi was able to deflect the blow, but Vader is quick to recover.

The old Jedi Knight looked over his shoulder, eyes meeting Luke's, and Orona knew. She could sense Obi-Wan's peaceful acceptance before she even saw the look of serenity melt his features. As if time had slowed, Orona watched Vader crash his saber down into what was now only cloth. Obi-Wan Kenobi was gone, into thin air.

Orona felt pride surge in her chest; Kenobi was already gone before Vader could take his revenge. She remembered the flashes of their friendship she had seen in both of their minds, and wondered why the Force would wrench a divide between such a bond. She would miss her mentor, but Orona would not mourn him. He was at peace.


Luke's cry of anguish ripped her from her thoughts, and she raced towards the Millennium Falcon, throwing her helmet aside.

Hearing blaster-fire, Kes and Iksene appeared in the Falcon, rushing down the ramp to help their friends. Orona called for Kes, who immediately rushed to drag the K-2 unit the rest of the way to the ship.

"Why the hell are you kidnapping a droid?!"

Orona grinned at Kes, "I'm not! I'm going to reprogram him!"

"Whatever, go, get everyone on board! We gotta blow this joint, fast!"

She didn't hesitate to whip her blaster out, firing shots at the troopers who now turned to the rebels. When her eyes surfed the crowd, she found the dark figure that had tortured her mercilessly, anger burning in her sneer. Her mind reached out, ripping into his own. She could sense his surprise even this far away.

You've made progress, his mechanical voice echoed in her head.

This time, fear didn't quake her--no, it only fueled the fire of her rage. You're dead, asshole, she taunted, before grabbing Iksene's arm and ushering him back into the Falcon.

"Let's go, show's over, rebels!" Orona called out after Luke blasted the docking bay control panel, shutting the door. She ensured each and every person was accounted for—and Threepio and Artoo.

Orona was the last on board, lingering at the edge of the ramp. A flash of red had caught her eye.

Khione Krennic smirked, winking, before she disappeared the way she came, leaving Orona completely and utterly thrown.

"Come on, Rona!" Cassian tugged her back into the ship just as the doors shut. His hands around her waist didn't fall till they reached the cockpit.

She squeezed his hand before she embraced her sister, scanning for injury. Then, she wrapped Leia into a tight hug, though it wasn't entirely comfortable due to the armor she still wore.

"Leia, how the hell are you here?" asked Orona, grabbing the shorter woman's face between her hands. "Nevermind, that's not important now—we have to get out." The ship jerked just as she spoke, rattling from the blaster shots that undoubtedly fired off relentlessly.

"It's good to see you, too, Orona," Leia chuckled, marching up to the cockpit.

"I hope the old man got that tractor beam out of commision, or this is going to be a real short trip," grumbled Han.

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