Chapter 15: Smol Bean

Start from the beginning

No, I decided. Seeing me like this would confuse them, and they wouldn't believe it was really me... worse yet, they might decide they don't want me anymore, at least in my other...

I left the room quickly, heading to my garden, the only place I knew that none of the idiots would come looking for me. It was bad enough that I had receded at all, and having any of them see me would make it ten times worse.


(I guess there's technically a timeskip here... you could pick a second bean if you wanted to <3)



I came too in an unfamiliar bedroom, which I quickly deduced to be Nightmare's, because who else could it be? I figured he'd brought me here when I passed out. Looking at the clock on the nightstand, I noticed that it was morning. I had been unconscious for the whole night. Nightmare was nowhere to be found though. I got up with a mind to look for him, and his jacket fell off of me.

I looked at it for a moment, feeling a slight flush on my cheeks before I plucked it off the bed and put it on. I snuggled my face into it in a moment of reckless abandon. It... smelled like bones... and... goop? I giggled. 'Nightmare's scent.' I smiled to myself as I zipped it up. It was too big for me, and it came down past my shorts, so it looked like I wasn't wearing pants underneath it.

I left the bedroom, giggling to myself. However, I ended up wandering the halls for what felt like hours, looking for Nightmare, before I came across the guys in the entertainment room. Upon my entering, they glanced up at me briefly, Killer being the only one not to do a double take. Instead, he just grinned with a tone of 'I-fucking-knew-it-bitches'

I knew exactly what they were gawking at, and ignored it, ignored the faint heat that had risen to my cheeks. I regretted nothing.

"Hey, have you guys seen Nightmare? I've been looking for him for, like, ever but I can't find him."

The guys all shook their heads, except Killer. "I haven't seen him, but I'd be willing to bet he's hiding in the Forbidden Room."

I blinked in surprise; I had never even thought about that. But...

"What makes you think he's hiding?"

Killer laughed. "Because that's what he always does when he goes passive. And looking at you, in his jacket, there's no way he didn't go passive."

I stared at him, confused. "...Passive? What do you mean by 'going passive'?"

At that, every head turned in my direction, and all of their eyelights glowed with excitement.

"Oh, hoboy." Killer laughed some more, and motioned for me to join him on the couch. "Do I have a tidbit for you."

He pulled out his phone and, after a bit of tapping, showed me a picture of a small skeleton on his screen. The little skeleton was looking at the camera with a panicky expression, like he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I couldn't help but notice...

"That guy... looks kinda like Dream?"

Killer nodded enthusiastically. "That's Boss, in his passive form."

I took a moment to think about that. "So... he has two different forms." Killer nodded.

"One is the one you're showing me."


"And the other is the one I know."

"You got it."

"So... which one is the original form? And why does he choose to stay in the goopy form? Wouldn't it be easier for him if he chose his passive form?"

Killer shook his head.

"The one in the photo, his passive form, is the original, and as for why he chooses his 'goopy' form, his aggressive form, it's because it's stronger. His passive form is much smaller and weaker. Plus, you know, his passive form isn't scary."

I nodded. Alright.

I hopped up from the couch. "Alrighty, boys. Thanks for filling me in. I'm gonna go find Nightmare now. See ya!"

There was a chorus from the guys as I left to go find Nightmare. But I knew exactly where I was going this time.

Hey guys! Sorry for the update gap! I really meant to do this when I did the last chapter, but I totally let it slip. To be honest, I don't really have an upload schedule or anything, I just write when I feel like writing. So, despite my at least half-assed efforts to try and work on this often, there probably will be more gaps like this last one.

It's not that I don't want to work on this, it's just that I have zero attention span, and I get distracted way too easily. Again, many apologies for my enccentricness, (that's not a word).

Before I go I'd like to give a quick shoutout to everyone, including YOU, reading this right now. As I'm typing this, I know I don't really have a lot of reads when you look at it in comparison to almost anything else, and I definitely don't have a lot of votes and comments, but I appreciate the support regardless. Thank you guys so much!

Love, Author-chan <3

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