"Would you like to donate to the-."

"No," I interrupted her before she could finish. I had no time for this.

"Any spare change will do," she persisted. She gave me a hopeful look.

I sighed and quickly dug in my pocket for loose change. I pulled out a dollar in quarters and placed them in the jar.

"God bless you," the nun said. "Please take a flyer for our Christmas toy drive." She motioned for another nun to hand me a flyer. As she handed a flyer to me I heard the doors behind me opening.

"Ma'am, would you like to make a donation?" the nun asked.

"Sure," Kelly said from behind me.

My breath hitched in my throat and I started to walk in the other direction. I knew I was being watched but I didn't look. Just when I thought I was safe I heard footsteps jogging behind me.

"Amore," Jay called to me.

I kept walking hoping he'd assume I was someone else, even though I knew he was smarter than that.

"Amore, I know it's you," Jay continued as if he read my mind.

I stopped walking and turned around. I didn't know whether to smile or be serious. I knew if I did either it would give Jay the wrong impression regardless. I observed him and saw his crazed expression in his eyes but he also had a smile on his face.

"Where you been?" Jay asked. He took a step closer to me and I backed away. "I've been trying to call you. I saw you blocked me on Instagram, snapchat..."

I wasn't prepared for this conversation which only made me more nervous.

"You broke my phone, remember?" I asked.

"I said I'd get you a new one," Jay said.

"I don't need you to."

"Well, I miss you. Being without you these past few days, not seeing you or even talking to you has been hard on me. I can't concentrate on anything."


"You don't miss me?"

I shrugged. Of course I missed him when he was loving and sweet, but I didn't miss the abusive, crazy boyfriend that he was. Jay must have seen the hesitation in my face because he took that as a sign to get closer to me.

"You should come over," he said.

"I shouldn't," I said. "I need to go home."

"I'll drop you off then. I just want to talk."

"About what? Jay, you haven't even apologized properly for anything you've done."

"Then let me."

A sprinkle fell on my forehead and I shuddered.

"It's cold I can give you a ride home," Jay said.

One thing I hated was being cold so I found it hard to resist his offer. I nodded and Jay smiled at me. I followed him back to the store parking lot where his mom was returning a shopping cart. When she saw me she looked just as happy as Jay was.

"Are you coming over for dinner?" she asked.

"I just need a ride home," I said.

"Oh, okay. Well would you mind if we stop by the house first so I can put the groceries away?"

"Um, okay."

Jay opened the door of the backseat and I got in. I immediately shut the door so he couldn't get in with me. Him and his mom got inside the car and we headed on our way. By the time we arrived at Jay's house my nerves were gone but I still remained cautious. The ride here had been awkwardly quiet. Kelly and Jay got out of the car and walked over to the popped trunk to get the groceries out. I sat in my seat until Jay opened my door.

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