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Claire's POV

I still remember the day Punn confessed to me. It was a simple confession, yes. But I remember feeling so nervous and happy at the same time. I was elated and feel that nothing can take away the happiness that I was feeling.

When I saw the pink color surrounding him as he looked at me instead of the myriad of colors that usually accompany him whenever we were together, my doubt and insecurities were all gone. That is when I know that the man I love, loves me back.

After that, I thought just like the fairytales and movies that I grew up watching, we would live happily together.

That was not the case.

I found out that Punn was carrying a heavy burden. Something that is slowly killing him on the inside, making him lose himself and I'm afraid that I'll lose him to those other personalities that took residence inside of him.

I wanted to help him so badly. He doesn't deserve to be put into so much pressure. The Punn I know is both selfless and responsible. I already knew before that he is a super-perfectionist. He was born to be someone great. An existence that can bring change. That was part of the reason why I fell for him. Now in his dark times, I feel scared that he will lose himself.

I've never been this afraid in my life. Not even when someone tried to release an old video of mine. This is much more greater than that.

I fear that I will lose someone I love. I fear that we will never get to spend the rest of our life together. I fear that I'll never see Punn the way I remembered him to be.

We were there at the dark room, sitting on the floor. Him, trying to fight his inner demons while I'm trying to prevent him from hurting himself with the cutter.

The pain of the blade slicing through my skin is nothing compared to my fears at that time. I don't know what else to do but try to convince him to come back by saying I love you.

When I saw his eyes, the clarity and relief reflected on them, I hugged him reassuring that everything is going to be okay.

I felt him hugging me back, reciprocating the comfort that I was trying to give him at the time.

That was when I know that I love the right man.

I love a man who despite going trough so much, still cared for me enough to give me comfort instead of being the one who receive them.

After that incident, I convinced him to use less of his potential. Without him knowing, I used my ability every time we are together. In fear of him going back to the state when he loses himself from using too much of his powers, I took it upon myself to monitor his emotions.

I never thought that by doing so, would made me to lose myself instead.

Present time

I flipped through the script that the drama club director gave me. Annoyed by the female lead's actions and decision. Without knowing it, my face was frowning so badly that I heard Punn speak up.

"Claire, are you okay?"

Looking at him, there is a combination of pink (love) and white (concern/worry) sorrounding him.

I have to squint my eyes a little as using my ability this often gives me a bad headache.

When I didn't answer, he said "Come, let's eat first. I cooked some noodles. Maybe you'll feel better after eating something delicious."

Annoyance and anger emotions suddenly crept out of me unintentionally.

"I'm not hungry!" I snapped at him.

"Claire, what's wrong? I feel that you've been acting differently lately."

I cannot stop the negative feelings that are eating me inside. I lashed out by throwing the script on the floor .

Punn now radiates orange (confusion) and purple (fear).

"I am already annoyed by this female lead's stupid character. Why must you annoy me too?!" Those words blurted out of my mouth. I badly wanted to take it back and apologize to Punn buy I stubbornly held my ground.

"Why are you being like this all of a sudden?"

"Why can't I be like this huh?!"

In a defeated tone, he answered "Have I done anything to upset you?." Now blue color (sadness) surrounds him.

"What is it that you want?! I just want to finish reading the script. Why would you pick a fight with me?!"

"You have changed." Now color blue (sadness) and red(confidence) surrounds him.

"I have not." I looked at him square in the eye. I know that he is right but I am to stubborn to yield.

"Yes you've changed. You never brushed me aside."

I scoffed. I can't believe that he was saying that to me.

"Is that it?! Are you picking a fight with me for this stupid reason?!"

Now only blue color (sadness) surrounds him.

"Let me ask you something," I continued

"What do you expect out of this argument? Do you want me to do whatever you want? Huh?!"

That was the angriest I'ver ever been with him. Looking at the blue that almost engulf him, I can't stand seeing it.

I left the room still angry, not with him but with myself.

I reached my room and slammed the door closed.

I slid down with my back at the door holding my face out of frustration. I cannot believe that I just fought this seriously with Punn and it is my fault.

A tear of frustration fell from my eyes.

Maybe it's the stress and headaches from using my potential continuously but I know that it really changed me.

It changed me from being a love struck woman to being an insensitive bitch to the man I was supposed to love.

And it hit me.

I am not the Claire from 2 years ago. I am not the Claire who only wants to be happy together with Punn. I am now the Claire who is selfish and insensitive. I am now someone who can throw words that I know will hurt Punn.

I hate it. I hate the Me right now.

Author's note: I was never planning to write a PunnClaire fanfic. However, after watch tgg I felt that I need something more PunnClaire centered. I can't find anything online so I decided to just write one myself. I am not a writer so please forgive me for my immature style of writing. I always prefer to read but desperate time calls for desperate measures 😉

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