Drifting Apart

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Claire's POV


I woke up feeling excited. Punn asked me last night to have a date with him.

We were going to spend this day outside Rithda highschool. Good thing we have this privilege to go outside anytime we want. Punn decided to take me out. Maybe he noticed that I was feeling stressed for the past few days. With all that is happening with Korn and Mon, I don't want to admit it but their emotions are a lot to take in. Especially when we were in the classroom. Different colors of negative emotions swirl them and I admit I find it hard to focus on Punn's.

I was having a few bouts of migraine in the past nights.

"Do you want me to take you the hospital?" Punn asked while sitting at the side of my bed holding a hot compress beside my head.

"I'm fine. I just feel stressed about the drama club." I murmured an excuse.

I heard Punn sighed. "Please don't take what's happening around you to heart. I worry about you. You've been feeling stressed lately and I hate seeing you like this." He reprimands me softly.

I feel my heart beat faster. I was happy to have him worry and take care of me. I hold his hand and remove the hot compress.

Pink (love) and orange (worry) sorrounds him as he look at me. When I saw those colors, the pain and uncomfortable feeling I have lessened.

I sit up my bed and faced him. I looked at him in the eye and said "I love you Punn." His smiled at me and hugged me. He doesn't need to say anything. I know that he loves me too.

We sat in my bed hugging each other the past minute when he suddenly brought up the idea of spending a day outside school.

"Let's go out and have fun tomorrow." He told me.

"Okay." I replied to him smiling.

Now I am in a dilemma. I can't choose what to wear. Since we stay in school most of the time I only have a few pretty clothes in my closet.

I took a cute white top and high waisted pants and goes inside the bathroom to change.

I took a cute white top and high waisted pants and goes inside the bathroom to change

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Punn was already waiting at the parking lot. He looked at me with a smile. Pink (love) sorrounding him.

"You look beautiful Claire." He said. Bringing out a stem of pink rose from his back. He offered it to me.

"Thank you Punn. You don't look bad yourself." I told him. I can't keep the smile off my face. Looking at him in his casual clothes makes him so cute and swoon worthy. I am so lucky to have him as my boyfriend.

He was wearing a simple black shirt black cap and denim. We totally matched our style today.

He held my hand and led me to his car. We seldom drive it around as we cannot always go outside of the campus.

He decided to have a road trip by the sea. "When I was a kid, my dad and mom uses to bring me to have a road trip by the sea. They told me that feeling the fresh air and enjoying the view will help me relaxed my mind." He looks happy reminiscing, I grabbed his hand and looked at him, " Thank you for sharing your special memory. You're right, feeling this fresh air and looking at this magnificent view is totally relaxing. I really appreciated you for bringing me here."

He smiled and took our entwined hands, kissing the back of my hand.

We continued driving until we arrived at a seafood restaurant he said they frequented when he was a kid.

If only I knew, I wished I ingrained every details of this date to my brain.



I heard Mr. Pom calling my name.

He looked at me, as if not knowing what to say.


"I know what you're thinking Mr. Pom."

He nodded. Still trying to come up with the words that he finds hard to say.

Sighing, he said "I know that you are going thru a lot. Especially with your potential advancing to this point. I made a decision for you to have your biweekly consult to a specialist. This is your schedule. If anything comes up, please tell my anytime. You know, I am here to support you guys to be the best of your kind." He handed me a folder, pat my shoulder and left.

Looking at the schedule, I also sighed.

'I guess there is no getting out of this one. I'm running out of painkillers anyway.'

Three days have passed since my fight with Punn.

Yes, we saw each other in class, however there is this invincible wall around us. We can barely looked at each other's face and the other gifted students alao noticed.

"Stop making the air so awkward you lovebirds." Says Wave in a very sarcastic tone.

Punn and I glared at him at the same time, others looking at him trying to shut him up with their eyes.

"What? I'm just stating the obvious. This is why you don't date within the classroom. It makes the atmosphere so awkward everytime they have their lover's spat." Wave defends himself by stating the obvious.

Thankfully, the bell rang on time. I get up and prepared to leave the room. As I was closing the door, I heard Ohm asked Punn what is happening. I didn't bother to wait and hear what he has to say.

This 3 days have been hard for me but I know this is harder for Punn. This is actually the longest time in our history of our fight. First and longest actually.

Usually, we only have little spats here and there but Punn usually tries to woo me. He said that he doesn't like to sleep knowing that we didn't made up that day.

The selfish me wish to have small break. It's like my mind and body was telling me to stay still and dispose all the negative emotions that were absorbed in my body an I somewhat wanted that, deep down inside my heart even though I know it hurts Punn.

I can't have him knowing that I reached the maximum of my potential. Him knowing that the consequences of also using this all the time is me absorbing those emotions without me knowing how to stop them.

Mr. Pom have been trying to help me find a way to minimize the side effects. I am also trying to find a way however,  being constantly exposed to all kinds of emotions can also be draining. Both mentally and physically, hence the unbalanced emotions and frequent headache.


Today is the first day of my consult, Mr. Pom had given me the afternoon off so I am here at the clinic.

The doctor is a specialist, he was also a graduate of the gifted program. He told me that he handles both the students and graduates of gifted. Though every cases he handled are different as all the gifted have different potentials thus also different side effects.

After getting a thorough history of my diet, the frequency of my headaches and the number of times I used my potential in a day, etc.

I got my blood taken as well as a MRI.

I only realized then, while waiting for my results, that this must be the feeling of those who went to hospital without a guardian. Lonely. 

This is the time I miss Punn the most. In this situation, he would've hold my hands and constantly reassuring me that anything would be okay.

As I was pondering how I would approach and apologize to Punn, I saw a pair of shoes.

Looking up, there he is.


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