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Pre lighting
Barrys POV
I feel like crap. Utter crap. I woke up this morning with a throbbing headache and my stomach was swirling. But today I had to go to work. There was a very important case to be inspected and I could loose my job if I miss it. So I dragged myself out of bed and walked to the car.

I walk to the scene to hear Singh's voice calling for me.

"Allen! Your late."

I look at my watch to see that I'm no where near on time I'm 10 minutes late.

"Sorry captain." I quickly sat as I rush to the body.

My stomach wanted to turn even more after I saw it. The body was severely burned and 1 arm and 1 leg were cut off. I genuinely held back puking. After feeling sick all day and seeing this. Well this about pushed me over the edge. After quickly getting a sample. I looked for a trash can but couldn't find one. So I rushed over to a street corner and emptied what was left in my stomach.

"Allen!" Singh says as he runs up to me.

"You okay kid." He asks. I quickly nod, but I know I'm not ok.

Once I arrived back at the precinct I immediately go up to my lab to process the samples I got from the body.

My head is throbbing and won't stop. I start to feel kind of hot and thirsty. I decide to go down to one of the water fountain in the main part of the precinct. I start walking down the stairs and feel dizzy. I grab onto the pole along the stair case to catch my balance. An officer comes up to me.

"Hey are you ok?" He asks me. Again I nod knowing that I'm not ok.
As I get to the bottom of the stairs I feel dizzy again. This time worse. My vision starts to go in and out. I start a few more steps before collapsing in front of everyone.
Singh's POV
Allen doesn't look so good. He never pukes at crime scenes and he's seen much worse then what we saw today. I don't know what going on with him but I'm keeping a look out. Later that day I walk to Joe's desk and we chat for a while before I hear someone yell. "Barry!". I rush to the open part of the precinct to see Allen laying there unconscious.

"Joe get over here now it's Allen!" I yell for joe and I start trying to wake Allen up.
I see Joe run over to me.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I'm not sure I get out here to see him on the ground."

"Was he feeling ok today Joe?" I ask him.

"I didn't see him much this morning but when I glanced at him he didn't look all that bad. I don't know what's going on but I called for an ambulance and it's on the way." Joe tells me. Just then a medic runs through the door and they take Barry out on a stretcher.
Barrys POV
Muffled: "Is he going to be ok?" "How bad is it?" "When will he wake up"
The voices are so loud. I hear a faint beeping as I open my eyes to a bright light and a few figures in the doorway. I look to my side to see Joe staring right back at me.

"Barry! Son your ok!" He exclaims hugging me. But maybe a little too hard. I turn my head to the side and empty my stomach.

"Sorry son." Joe says feeling sorry.

"W-what Happened" I ask weakly.

"You collapsed Barr. Now the real question is why. What happened today?"A concerned Joe asks me.

"Well I woke up with a massive headache and an upset stomach. The crime scene didn't help it either. I remember coming down stairs to get water when my vision started to disappear and I felt really dizzy." I tell him.

"Then you collapsed" Joe finished for me.

"Barry, when was the last time you ate."

"I had dinner.....yesterday."

"You're telling me you haven't eaten for a whole day!" Joe asks me sternly.

"I've been busy." I respond guiltily.

"You'll be the death of me kid." Joe responded giving a chuckle.

I laugh back as Captain Singh walks through the door.

"Hey Allen."

"Hi captain Singh." I say to him.

"I see you're up. How are you?" Singh asks.

"I'm good" I respond.

"Barry next time if your feeling sick there is a thing called a sick day. So please don't put yourself in harms way next time. Promise me?" He demands and asks at the same time. Barry. He never calls me that.

"I promise Captain." I tell him.
The next day I'm back at home and round 2 of my sickness comes in. This time I'm calling off work and sleeping the day away.

I hope you guys are enjoying these one shots so far!

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