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Hello, everyone! 

Happy November! 

I'm so so so so so sorry, but I'm going to have to postpone today's update. I've had a terribly busy week, and I genuinely haven't had the time to put together a full theme for this week. I've run out of groupings that I can do with my existing art, so I have to do full themes, and with me being a complete and total perfectionist, this takes FOREVER. This week, I've been super busy with schoolwork, and I really only had the time to do my homework, study, eat, and sleep. I promise that I'll have one ready for next Sunday to make up for today's :)

So sorry, once again :(

On a much happier note, I'd like to thank every single one of you for reading this. It genuinely makes me smile so much to see that actual people in the real world like my art, and they aren't just saying that because they're my family or something <3 You take the time out of your day to stop and look at the things that matter so deeply to me, that are my pride and joy, that are often my sole source of happiness, and for that I will be forever grateful <333

I hope you have a perfectly delightfully marvelous day :)

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