Chapter 1

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**Here are the first five chapters of EMPTY ME OUT, an extended sample that I hope will give you a good feel for the story if you're contemplating purchasing.** 

Chapter 1

Most of my friends lived away at college, but not me. I'd heard all the stories of wild campus parties and dorms with co-ed showers. I knew I was in the minority, but that kind of college experience never appealed to me. How anyone managed to concentrate on their studies in that kind of environment, I'd never know. Yup, for me, the decision to commute to school these past few years while enjoying the benefits and comforts of living at home in Quincy, Massachusetts was a no brainer.

"Ughhh!" Bent over the bathroom sink—its edges lined with every styling product known to man—I cursed the mirrored medicine cabinet in an act of reflection rebellion. "Oh, come on. Do something!" I barked at my barely-there curls, extracting the last of the hot rollers failing to live up to their advertised promise of "flounce, bounce, and spring." After a last-ditch, upside down do-flip and a generous dousing of hairspray, I turned out the light and headed for the stairs. I wasn't about to let my limp locks flatten my spirits.

For the past several weeks I'd been relishing the time catching up with my friends, most of whom I hadn't seen since the start of the fall semester. They were home from their respective college campuses, celebrating the winter holiday break and their temporary hiatus from lectures, homework, and exams. My best friend Calista and I had practically been joined at the hip, fitting in as much girl time as possible before she resumed dorm life out in the western part of the state.

"Hey, Kelsey, you gonna be ready anytime this century? I'd like to get there before we lose our reservation." Calista checked herself out in my front hall mirror, applying another coat of cherry red lipstick while waiting for me to finish putting myself together upstairs. She and I had been inseparable since grade school. Through all of life's ups, downs, twists and turns, we'd always gone through it together. She was the kind of friend every girl would be lucky to have, and I loved her to bits.

With a hopeful fluff of my one remaining curl, I leaned against the top banister, chuckling as I watched my friend twist from side to side in obvious admiration of her own reflection. "I'm coming, I'm coming. Keep your shirt on, okay?" Slowly, I made my way down the stairs, careful not to take a header in my new, too-high-to-be-functional, black platform heels. I was clearly not in my right mind when I bought the damned things.

"Wow, Kels! You are rocking those heels, hon. I told you they would accentuate those sexy long stems of yours!" Grabbing me by the arm as I descended the last stair, she pulled me toward the front door. "Let's go already! We're gonna be late!"

"Hold it! Let me get my bearings. I feel like I'm just learning how to walk for the first time." I held my arms out to my sides to keep my balance in check. "Why in the world did I let you talk me into buying these...these...stilts?"

"Because you asked me to help you sex up your look, remember? You said you were tired of being single, right? So, let's get out there and watch the guys take notice!" Calista scanned me up and down approvingly. "You look gorgeous, by the way. You clean up well, girlfriend." I rolled my eyes in dramatic fashion, while secretly loving the compliment. I was never one to put much thought into my look. I'd had the same shoulder length, straight brown hair since high school and rarely wore any makeup. I also normally dressed for comfort over style, sporting jeans, sweats and T-shirts. But, after a year-long dry spell in the boyfriend department, I thought it was high-time to put some effort into my appearance. I figured it couldn't hurt, and Calista was more than happy to take on the challenge as my fashion and makeover consultant.

Empty Me Out (The Liquid Series, #1)Where stories live. Discover now