To say I was overwhelmed was an understatement.

I knew the Flynn's knew how to throw a party and knowing me I would probably be saying 'best time ever' tomorrow morning once everything had worn off and all we were left with were photos and some sort of hangover - but a part of me wished it had only been a dinner followed by a night with Noah.

But you only turn 21 once right? Might as well make it the best ever!

The theme was Roaring 20's. All our outfits were upstairs pressed and ready to go. It was only 11am and I already felt like I needed a nap. It was going to be a long afternoon and an even longer evening.

I headed into the kitchen to grab some coffee. Luckily the Flynn's had an outdoor entertaining area - so the main house was left untouched by the commotion of people everywhere. I grabbed my mug and poured maybe a bit too much coffee that I was used to having.

But I needed it and it was my birthday.

I sipped and inhaled as I watched decorators hang garlands of black and gold.

Looks like our outfits would go perfectly with the decor, I mused.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and a chin settle on my shoulder, as he nuzzled the crook of my neck.

'Whatcha thinking, birthday girl?' Noah grinned as he stole the coffee cup from my hands and brought it to his lips. He pulled a face. I put way too much sugar in my coffee for Noah.

'That I'm ready to just climb back into bed with you and the party hasn't even started yet' I mused as I spun around and breathed him in.

'Do you want to get away for a bit?' he asked, as his grip tightened around me. 'Maybe we could go for a ride. After our little conversation this morning, I would like to take you somewhere, if you are up for it?''

'I have to be back soon, you Mum's planning on beautifying me for the party' I laughed as he pulled me out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom.

'Not that you need it' He grinned as he threw on his leather jacket and passed me mine. I stepped into my boots, grabbed my phone that was next to the bright orange 'LV' gift bag that Noah had spoiled me with - inside lay a very expensive handbag that apparently I needed for 'ruling the world' - and took Noah's hand as he led me back out of the room.

'And where do you think you are going?' June questioned, as she met us halfway up the stairs a dry cleaners bag in her arms. Despite all the noise and flurry, she seemed as relaxed as ever.

Noah smiled as he gave his Mum a cheeky grin. 'We're running away together...'

'That's lovely. But if you could somehow have Elle back here by 3 that would be great. We have plans'.

June threw back as he son laughed at his mother's response. Outnumbered, June wasn't afraid to give it back to her boys as much as they gave her. Especially Noah, although a kiss on the cheek was all she needed for her to be reminded that he was still her baby....even though he towered over her.

'Ya give Rachel that same speech when she dragged Lee out of here?' He asked as she continued further up the stairs.

'3pm, Noah Flynn', she repeated as she disappeared into her bedroom.

I shook my head as we headed toward the garage. I loved June. I really did and I was super grateful for all the effort she was going to for both Lee and myself. But it was days like this where I wished my Mum was here, helping to plan or helping me to get ready.

I was definitely getting better on the whole 'talk to Noah about your emotions' front. He found the letter in the stack of birthday cards that were waiting to be opened this morning. He wasn't too surprised when I told him what Mum had been doing for all the major moments in my life, saying that my Mum was always full of surprises. For this one, I let him read it with me and he laughed when he remembered being told off about blowing out Lee's birthday candle.

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