Her job

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It was almost midnight and Harry and Tom were sneaking out of the dorms. Harry wanted to ask Tom were they were going but Tom looked deep in his thoughts. They were so close together and Harry felt his cheeks burn. Luckily it was dark so Tom couldn't see him.

They walked deep into the forbidden forest and Harry gasped. There was a group of death eaters. Tom discarded the cloak and Harry looked around. Belletrix Le'strange, Fenrir Greyback, Barty Crouch Jr and about a dozen other death eaters stood before them.

"Hello, my loyal death eaters." Tom said, looking around at them all. There were a few murmurs of disbelief. "Quiet! Belletrix, come forward."

Belletrix practically skipped over. Her dark lord returns and asks for her? She noticed the boy standing next to her lord and noticed the scar on his forehead. It was Harry Potter. She looked at him and Harry looked at Tom for condolence. She seemed to be confused with the fact he was there. It was hardly surprising.

"My Lord, what do you desire?" Belletrix asked, bowing before her lord. Unlike the other death eaters she bowed out of respect and not fear. Tom toyed with his wand and looked at her. She was ad loyal as he had heard.

"I require you to undertake a certain task for me. I wish for you to torture but not kill the Dursley family. They have caused Harry enough trouble but if they die it will arise suspicion to Harry's true colours." Tom paused for a moment before continuing. "Everyone else needs to rank up all the death eaters they can. Old ones, new ones. But do this on the low. Nobody is to mention  Harry Potter, you hear me? He is your new lord, as am I. Now go!"

"Yes my Lords!" The death eaters chanted before apperating away.

"Thank you, my lords. I will not let you down." And Belletrix apparated away leaving Harry and Tom alone in the forest.

It was a clear night in privet drive which was unusual for the time of year. The streetlights cast light on the street as non other than Belletrix Le'strange marched down it ready for her mission. She pulled out her wand and when she reached number four she unlocked the door with an easy 'alohamora'.

She walked in, 'lumos' being her only light. She walked quietly up the stairs and put a silencing ward around the whole house. She creaked the master bedroom door open to see a skinny lady and a fat man laying in their bed. She bound them with a quick spell and discarded their bedsheets and used another spell to strip them to their underwear. They startled awake and Petunia screamed.

"Hello, you little fuckers." Belletrix spat. She was so high from the adrenaline. Finally she could get a fix and torture these idiots. All she had to do was chose which one to torture first. "I chose... you!"

Petunia Dursley screamed and moved against the ropes around her. She was in so much pain that she didn't care if she got rope burn. Petunia felt as though her insides were being blended up. Vernon pathetically whimpered, too scared to even beg for his wife's mercy. She broke the spell only to fire the same spell to Vernon who screamed just as loud.

"You are pathetic. I would kill you. I will one day! For now though,  I will make you suffer all night long." Belletrix practically screamed at them. She laughed as she fired torture spell after torture spell at them. They bled all over their bed sheets and cried and cried. Belletrix had done her masters proud and she new it.

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