1 - "What the hell, why the hell, where the hell, and how the fuck are we here?"

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Fiddling with his fingers, the young man listened as his father explained to him what had happened. Apparently he had been injected with a serum that was supposed to turn him into a Titan, but instead did nothing.

"You're telling me... You tried to turn me into a titan? And you want me to trust you?" Jaylin demanded, his voice going higher with each phrase.

"I know what I did was not okay, but you have to see where I was coming from," His father pleaded with him, grabbing his hand. "But now, you may have a power none of us have ever seen."

"I guess," He frowned, moving his hand out of his father's grasp. "Why should I trust you?"

"I'm the only one who won't kill you."

"Fair enough. What are you going to do instead?"

"Just run some tests. Nobody will know, and once we figure it all out you can go on with your life as if it had never happened," His father promised. Not seeing any other choice, Jaylin nodded.

The experiments were harsh, all proving ineffective and practically for nothing. Day after day, week after week, the experiments failed. Producing no results whatsoever. All until that one, that one experiment that gave humanity a fighting chance.

It was as if an explosion had occurred, but nothing was on fire. It was just a light, shining in the darkness of the cellar. A moment of silence followed as Jaylin and his father stood and gaped at their discovery.

"I'm gonna be the one to say it," Yusei stepped forward, hands on her hips as the light around the nine people subsided. "What the hell, why the hell, where the hell, and how the fuck are we here?"

"H-holy shit..." Jaylin's eyes were as wide as he witnessed his powers going into effect. During the experiment, his power had be revealed to him in its entirety:

he could summon up to nine people from another universe, but he could only do it once. If they died in his universe, they would be returned to their own universe. That was the only way of return, as he saw it.

"U-um, I'm really sorry, but-"

"We don't want an apology, just answer my questions," Yusei scowled, walking up to the male and grabbing his collar. "Now start talking."

"R-right... Well, right now you're inside of Wall Maria, it's 841, almost 842. Um, humanity is on the brink of extinction and I sorta summoned you guys here?"

"Oh, is that all?" Yusei dead panned, sighing before releasing Jaylin. "Checks out, it's the truth."

"If you say so," Daichi nodded, the others by him agreeing as well.

"So, continue with the explanation will you?" The demon king asked sweetly, which scared the shit out of Jaylin. So he told them all about the world. About the titans. About the walls. About how the humans were trying to fight back.

"Not only that, but when you arrived here, you received an ability that will help you here," Jaylin told them, "um, apparently if you say 'stats' it will tell you exactly what it is."

"Hm? Cool," Yuu grinned, "Stats!"

Jaylin watched as his summons learned their new skills. Daichi and Morisuke could control how fast or slow time went. Kentaro had super human strength added to his already strong body. Yuu and Kenjiro could control gravity's effects on themselves and things they touched. Kiyoko and Kiyoomi could turn invisible and block others from smelling her. Keiji could see glimpses of the future and had super human speed.

Yusei just looked confused. "It says to-be-unlocked?"

"Huh?" Jaylin's eyes widened, unsure. "Um, I don't know-"

"It's fine, of course you don't know everything," She shrugged, running a hand through her cropped hair. The people in the room still had no knowledge of her true gender, but at this point she didn't care because it's not like she was going to be penalized now. Where's the ref to even do that, huh?

"So what's the plan here, exactly?" Morisuke questioned, glancing between Yusei and Jaylin.

"Please! Please stay and help humanity!" Jaylin's father came out of nowhere, causing a few of them to jump.

"Well obviously we will, I'd rather not die right off since that's the only known way back," Kenjiro rolled his eyes.

"Did you even have control of who you summoned? I'm guessing not with this one here," Yusei shoved a thumb back at Kiyoomi, who glowered at her but she didn't seem to notice or care.

"That's correct." Jaylin admitted, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "So, may I know your names?"

"Yeah sure," Yusei smirked, "I'm Yusei Udai."

"Kenjiro Shirabu."

"Daichi Sawamura."

"Keiji Akaashi."

"I'm Yuu Nishinoya!"

"Morisuke Yaku."

"Kiyoko Shimizu."

"Tch, name's Kentaro Kyoutani."

"...Kiyoomi Sakusa."

"It's very nice to meet you, my name is Jaylin Deeker." He smiled widely at them, allowing them to bow in return.

"Like I asked before," Morisuke raised a hand, "Plan?"

"Easy," Yusei smirked, "Enroll in the military."

"Yes! Yes, that would be wonderful!" Jaylin's father cried, enthusiastically nodding in agreement. Everyone in the vicinity sweat dropped.

"Dude, what's his deal?" Yuu asked Jaylin quietly, who sighed.

"Ever since mom died in action, he's been off his rocker.."

"No joke," Yusei sighed, "but whatever. Is it just us joining the military or you gonna grace us with your presence as well?"

"Of course I'm joining!" Jaylin suddenly brightened, "I've wanted to join the scouts since I was a kid!"

"We will help you realize your dream," Keiji nodded to the male, who smiled widely in return.

"Ha!" Yusei slapped Keiji on the back, laughing heartily. "Sounding like a true hero, Keiji!"

"Well that's what we're going to be, after all," He retorted, gazing at her with a rare smile. "Might as well start now."


"Sir, we've just gotten several new recruits signed up for the 99th cadet corps. Here are the documents."

"Ah, thank you Rina. You are free to go."

"Yes sir." She saluted before turning and exiting the room. The drill sergeant started grumbling as he sifted through the papers he had been given, his eyes narrowing.

"Well now, this should be quite interesting."

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