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I woke up with a swollen arm and had a breathing mask on my face. Where am I? Am I in heaven? Wait, no, why would I have a breathing mask in heaven? Must be my brain fooling with me. I tried to sit up, but my body refused. I looked down to my feet and arms. Why am I tied up? I started to panick and yell loudly.

"Sweetie! It's okay. Calm down." A lady in white walked in the room.

My veins popped out of my neck as I tried to get loose from the straps.

"Who are you people!" My oxygen mask fell and onto my lap.

"Honey, we need you to calm down. We don't want your heart rate to go higher than it already is." I was pinned onto the bed and a strap went over my chest.

Where is my mom and dad? Jake and Luke? Did they drop me off somewhere and left me!

"Where's my mom?" My chest moved up and down quickly.

"She is at your house. Don't worry, she was told to leave. Now, what's your name?" A male doctor named Jacob searched my eyes.

"C-crystal." I stuttered.

"You know... I have things for beautiful children like you..." Jacob began to giggle.

My eyes widened. His face was peeling slowly as he took off his uniform. W-what is going on?

"Thought you can run away?" Jacobs voice was turning into a womans voice.

        The man/woman put a dirty rag on my face and I smelled something foul. I closed my eyes and passed out. I woke up 30 minutes later inside a trunk of a car. I tried kicking the roof of the trunk, but I failed to open it. I was too weak. I looked to  my right and saw a woman staring straight at me.

        "Don't scream. Don't even gasp." The girl warned me.

        "Who are you? Where are we going?" I asked.

        "God knows where. We are most likely leaving Jacksonville. I'm Destiny." Destiny explained.

        "I'm Crystal. Nice to meet you." I responded.

        Destiny is a ginger with curly hair. She has brown eyes and her skin was pale as snow. She was a very pretty girl. She looks like she is 17 years old. We had a decent coversation, but we had to keep quite. 5 hours has passed and I surprisingly wasn't tired at all.

        "Play dead kid." Destiny closed her eyes and let her head hang loose.

        I loosened up my body and closed my eyes.

        "Get up you useless puppet!" A woman touched me and strangled me by the neck.

        I coughed and choke. I opened my eyes and saw a woman that looks like Laughing Jack.

        "Are these the bodies you wanted?" The lady asked Jack who appeared behind her.

        "Yes. Thank you Laughing Jill. Here is your check." Jack gave Jill her money.

        Jill threw me onto the floor and I hit my head on a rock causing me to bleed.

        "Why are we here?" Destiny questioned.

        "Quite Destiny! We have unfinished business. Espically that little twit over there." Jack picked me up and threw me behind his back with Destiny.

        I calmed down and I grew angry. I wanted to kill Jack, but how could I with these weak hands of mine? Either way, I am not supposed to kill and Jack is larger than me. 

        "You idiots will stay here until we leave tomorrow morning. I hope you like roasted spiders!" Jack lauged and threw Destiny and I on basement stairs.

        How are we going to get out of here when we don't even have a key. Wait, did I say we? I meant how am I going to get out. No, I need Destiny's help if I want to leave.

        "Hold still." Destiny cut me loose with a piece of glass she has found.

        "We are long away from home aren't we?" I began to tear up.

        "Don't wprry kid, we'll get out. I'll get you home, but don't cry. Crying is for weaklings who think they can't make it out alive. I am not going to stumble upon a weakling who will only put me down. You got it? Now man up." Destiny words were a bit harsh to me, but she was right.

        I explored the basement and played with a couple of dolls I have found. A closet creaked open and I slowly got up.

        "Destiny?" I whispered.

        "Stay behind me." Destiny grabbed the sharp piece of glass and tip toed to the closet.

        She kicked the door and a little boy was sitting there with bloody hands.

        "You must get out of here." The boy cried and was cutting himself with a sharp blade. "Before it's too late."

        "Are you alright?" Destiny got closer to the young man.

        "Don't get near me!" The boy crawled on top of a shelf and bit of his nails.

        "Fine. Be a little brat then." Destiny shut the door and walked away from me.

        "Don't you think we should help him?" I tapped the floor with my foot.

        "There is so much you can do to help someone, but if they aren't going to cooperate, then why even bother." Destiny sharpened the piece of glass and examined it.

        I am learning a bit just by listening to Destiny. She can be a bit mean, but I understand her point. We created a small bed with cardboard and old rags. It smelled gross, but it was much better than sleeping on a cold hard floor that was filled with little pieces of glass.

        "So, what's your story?" Destiny faced me with her whole body.

        "What story?" I titled my head like Luke.

        "How did you meet that physcotic clown?" Destiny laughed.

        "Oh, well, it all started on the first day of first grade. I met my best friend Luke and when he left with a group of boys at recess, Jack appeared in front of my eyes. We were on the swingset talking and playing. Then a week later, he turned grey and black. He tried killing me in my sleep." I frowned.

        "I see. We met when I was about your age too. He haunted me ever since and wants to kill me for no apparent reaosn. Must be part of his nature to kill kids. One thing I do know is he must kill a child he has met before they turn 18. I am 17 and my birthday is in 10 days. I survive that long, then he will leave this whole universe alone." Destiny turned the opposite direction and closed her eyes.

        So, if he doesn't kill a child before they are an adult, he dies? All we have to do is escape and Destiny stays alive for 10 days and he will leave me alone! We are going to leave tomorrow morning and will get us plenty of time to sort our plan. We could've just left now, but it will to risky. Even picking the lock will be to risky because we don't know our way around this mansion. It is probably filled with clown just like Jack.

        I didn't sleep for the whole night until 6 in the morning. My new record of not sleeping. Getting out of this place could take a while, but it is worth fighting.


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