mysterious stereotypes

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Its horrible to stereotype someone. Especially if you haven't even met the person. All I saw was Bordem in the room. Tensions of rudeness. Girls laughing at others. And me...... Liking the dark shady side of the room. The girls kept talking. I basically laughed and blew them off to go make conversation with someone I never met and or would ever thought I'd talk to. They eyed me to leave the person who I was talking to. I only stayed to prove a point. They found this person to have the characteristics of bad and dark person. Me personally I didn't care what there was or what the story behind it shed. These girls didn't seem to comprehend that though. The tension between me and this person may have been weird only because he seemed to be in a pissy mood. I mean who can blame him it was horrible outside. It was a day to stay in bed. Rain does make u bitchy and sleepy. I can't really say much though because I  was in a good mood. This person before I can catch his name took off and left. I was next. I left leaving the girls thinking I'm crazy for talking to him. I didn't quit care though. I found this interesting. I had to find out who this guy was. For all I knew he could have been a cool person but I would have never known unless I had put my self out there. Who knows? All I know is a surprised hit me the weekend after.

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