5 || dancing in the rain.

Mulai dari awal

3:00 PM

i sighed. my legs hurt, i had 3 bags full of clothes, and one tiny bag with a few good smelling candles. the shopping day seemed pretty successful, i now had a good enough amount of clothes to wear. by now, it was raining pretty hard. i absolutely loved it, i was at an outdoor mall, therefore i had to go out in the rain to get from store to store, however i didn't mind. ever since i was little, i loved the rain; i would go out and run in it with just a tank top and shorts, it gave me energy. i walked briskly towards my car, not wanting to get my new clothes wet. i was halfway there when i came to an abrupt stop. what the hell? there he stood, the biggest regret of my life. what is he doing here? how does he know i'm here? he probably didn't, but he knew what my car looked like. he must've seen me standing there staring at him, because he stood up from leaning on my car, and turned facing me. i clenched my fist around my bags, and walked straight up to him. "mike what the hell are you doing here?" i burst out, my voice was like and shaky but i didn't care. he smirked at me and took a step closer to me, "glad to see me aye?" he said in his stupid menacing voice. i ignored him, and pushed aside. "get off my car." i muttered, trying to pull open my door. he grabbed my wrist, "that's not a very nice greeting." he said in his soft 'sweet' voice.

"i don't want to talk to you. why are you even here?" i said, trying to act unbothered, but my palms started to sweat, and i kept eyeing the grasp he had on my wrist. "just shopping like you, beautiful." he breathed with a grin, leaning closer to me. i was done with this. i stomped on his foot, alarming him and making him release his grip. "hey!" he barked, but i swung open my door and jumped in as fast as i could. "leave me alone or i swear to god mike i will call the cops on you!" i said at practically a scream. he held his hands up and laughed, turning away. my throat burned. my hands were shaking. he finally left out of eyesight. i got him to leave. i took a deep shaky breath, i felt like bawling. i couldn't though, i had to be strong. i turned on the car and drove quickly back to the apartment.

i finally got home, and just parked and sat there. my throat burned with emotion the entire time, by now, i finally started to feel the pain in my wrist. he really did have a hold of me, i was too focused on the moment though, that i didn't even realize how tight it was. i looked down and stared at my red arm. i finally couldn't help but cry. why do bad things always happen to me? this was a good cry, i don't know if it was the music playing, or the calming rain pattering, but it felt so nice to finally let some sort of emotion out.

(text from clay) "hey, you on your way? i'm making macaroniiii!!!!!!!!!!!"

i laughed through the tears, and responded honestly.

"yeah, actually i'm in the parking lot lol. something happened at the store, i'll be in in a bit.."

i hope that didn't scare him. he seemed to care a lot for my safety.. it felt nice. especially because he hasn't even known me for long. he was a kind guy. he started typing, but then stopped. "arcade" started playing on the radio. my favorite song. the parking lot was pretty empty, it was nice to sit here having it to myself just with rain pattering on my window. suddenly i saw the tall, blonde-haired man pop out of nowhere. oh god, of course. i quickly wiped my face, and cleared my throat; my eyes were still red and puffy.

"what happened?" he called out to me as i opened my door, i didn't turn off my car, i loved this song i wanted to get through it. i waited for him to get up to me before explaining everything. i've learned that honesty is the best, most of the time. but this time, i really just wanted him to know. i wanted him to know about my past with my ex, mike, and the impact it has had on me. i don't know if it was exactly an abusive relationship.. i hated that word. abusive. but he was very over-controlling, and touchy. i did get out of it, but he appears every once in a while, acting as if we were still "in love." clay listened to every word of my story eagerly, nodding with the sweetest concern in his eyes. when i finished, i wiped my eyes again. it was good to get all of that off my chest, i haven't told many people about it. without a word, he held out his hand, which i took willingly.

he pulled me out into the rain gently, my mood was immediately lifted when i felt the cold drops hit my skin. "i love this song, do you mind?" he asked, reaching in to turn it up. i nodded for him to go ahead. he turned back towards me with a smile. he took my hand and spun me, laughing. "dancing lifts the mood." he said with the purest smile. we bounced around and sang stupidly in the rain, all the bad weight from the day lifted from my shoulders, i felt so happy now. it was so cliche, but being right here in the moment, just dancing in the rain to my favorite song, with someone who cared about me felt perfect. a perfect moment.

he pulled me into a hug, and we sat there as the song ended. we were soaked to the core, dripping, and should've been freezing, but i felt warm right there. he pulled away with a smile, turning off the car for me. "now are you hungry because i literally have a whole pot of mac n cheese waiting and i don't normally eat that much by myself." i laughed, and followed him inside with my bags.

𝒾𝓉𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 || dream x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang