chapter 15.

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Nicole doesn't hear from Waverly until about noon the next day when she texts her and asks her if she wants to go to lunch with her and Wynonna. Nicole agrees, and asks where they're going. When Waverly tells her the diner on the outskirts of town, it immediately makes her think of meeting with Dolls there whenever he's in town, leading to thoughts of the letter that she left, unopened, on her nightstand.

She takes a seat on her bed, staring at the letter but not touching it yet, as if it's going to bite her. She's not sure what to feel. She feels anger. Then more anger from feeling anger. She shouldn't be mad about it, but she is. There were so many moments of the past year and a half where she wished she received something like this. A sign. Anything to show that this girl still existed, still cared. But why now?

It's been a while since she's even thought about her. She just assumes she's off living some magical life without her now. She assumes she's probably happier without her anyway. She doesn't see her everywhere she goes anymore. She doesn't miss the feeling of being in her arms, her smile, her laugh. She over all of that. She thought she was over all of that. She is. Right?

There's a knock on her door, startling her. She turns her head to see Waverly entering the room. "Shit, Waves!" she says as she holds her chest with her hand. She tries to quickly shove the letter into her drawer, but it falls on the floor.

"Sorry, I just figured I'd come in and get you before we went to lunch," Waverly says, softly. Nicole takes a breath, still caught off guard. "Plus, I missed you," the brunette says with a soft smile.

"It's okay," Nicole says. "You just scared me," she admits. She sees Waverly's eyes drift down toward the floor, landing on the envelope that Nicole wasn't quick enough to cover up with her foot.

"What's that?" Waverly asks. Nicole pauses for a moment, not wanting to answer. She wants to tell her it's nothing. She wants to tell her she doesn't know. She wants to tell her it's something she's not ready to face.

"It's a letter," she ends up saying, as if that isn't obvious enough. Her eyes drift toward the envelope, unsure if she even wants to pick it up. She feels sick at the thought of what could be inside.

"Are you going to pick it up?" Waverly asks, clearly confused about what the issue is. Nicole shakes her head.

"Nah," Nicole shrugs. "We should probably go," She tries to change the subject. "I'm sure Wynonna is not patiently waiting and we both know she doesn't want to spend any more time on Nedley property than she already has," she laughs.

Waverly nods and glances again at the envelope. Nicole can tell the conversation isn't over yet, but she's glad it is for now. She moves over to where the brunette is standing and pulls her by the arm a little, bringing her closer to her body. Waverly smiles and leans in for a kiss.

"How was your night?" Nicole asks as they head toward the front door of the house.

"It was okay," Waverly says. "Dad didn't come home until some time this morning, I'm sure he was wasted, but I didn't check on him to find out."

"Did he saying anything about that halftime kiss?" Nicole asks.

She knows why Waverly decided to kiss her in front of the entire town. She knows she wants to take the attention off of Wynonna. Truth is, Nicole thinks it's really sweet of Waverly for doing that. But she also knows now that it's going to be even harder for Waverly's dad to ever accept her dating his daughter, if that were even going to happen in the first place.

She's glad when Waverly doesn't bring up the letter at all while they're out with Wynonna. She feels like Waverly is probably thinking about it because she seems a bit off throughout the day. But then again, she could be worried about her home situation as well.

𝔟𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔦𝔣𝔲𝔩 𝔭𝔢𝔬𝔭𝔩𝔢, wayhaughtWhere stories live. Discover now