"No, I don't."

"Cian is Greed, which means he will manipulate to get what he desires," he notes coolly. I wonder how often he gets his way with just the twist of his words - he looks like someone everyone is used to obeying. "I do not have to care about your fate with him, but I do not want him being disturbed."

"I'm not doing anything other than trying to keep him company. When I started working here I took a vow to care for all the patients at the facility," I say firmly.

I'm not sure where this confidence is coming from; perhaps it's a desire to keep my job. Or maybe it's because Stace doesn't look angry, or frustrated - in fact, he appears rather level-headed. Not to mention I truly believe I am right about Cian...There is something more to him that no one is giving him credit for.

"You feel connected to him, don't you?" Stace breathes, pulling me from my trance.

I suddenly can't swallow past the lump in my throat, having this uncanny feeling that he can read my mind. "I don't know what you mean by that..."

"He's a Sin, that's what they do," he explains with a shrug, taking a sip out of the cup of water I hadn't noticed was in front of him. I'm too entranced by his intense gaze, the way he appears to be reading me with no more than a few glances. It's eerie. "They draw you in, get you to trust them before they destroy you."

"He wouldn't do that."

"I wouldn't suggest going to his cell, he cannot be trusted," Stace says as a final warning, leaning back into the chair. "Especially not around a mortal."

I grit my teeth, looking over his shoulder and through the large windows that shape the office. Outside I can see the capital city of the Harmony Pack and all its towering buildings. I forget how much I love it here, in this beautiful pack. It's not far from here where the Alpha lives.

"The way you say that suggests you're not mortal," I mutter suspiciously. It doesn't take much of looking at him to come to that conclusion. There is nothing natural about his appearance...He has that otherworldly beauty that only pure-blood immortals possess - they live and govern over the immortal realm, and although I never learnt about Stace in my history books, I have a feeling he is connected to Cian in amount of power.

"Well I'm not immortal, so take that as you will," he mutters dismissively, waving his hand about as if it's a crazed notion, although I'm starting to suspect it with each word coming from his mouth. "Now, I hope you heed my advice."

I release a long breath. "Will I lose my job if I don't?"

"You may lose more than that, Amolet. I'm trying to help you," he says, tone darkening, becoming more serious suddenly. I shudder, not having to think too deeply into what he has said to know what that means.

My life. He is insinuating that I could lose my life.

"Okay, I will stay out of his cell," I finally relent. Maybe he is right, about Cian being dangerous, but that doesn't stop my fascination with him, who he is and why he's here. Nor does it stop me from wanting to help him, and I hate myself for that. "Why is he in one anyway, and not a treatment facility?"

Stace thinks for a moment. "Because he's not unwell."

"I don't think I understand."

"Cian invited himself in here, as he is afraid of what his power can do in the outside world, so in order to protect it, he stays in here," he admits.

I'm taken aback by how honest he is being, since everyone else who works here doesn't like to speak much on the reality of why Cian ended up here. Stace shares with me, knowing the knowledge won't change anything, won't mean I can go to his cell anymore and try to get him to speak.

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