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"Au milieu de l'hiver, j'apprenais enfin qu'il y avait en moi un été invincible"


"In the middle of winter I finnaly found out that an invicible summer lives in me"

Le garçon~the boy~:He had to walk a long, bumpy road, but he still climbed out of the pit, into which he fell from one moment to the next, and with a raised head he built a huge mountain in the place of the hole, impressing everyone with it, and all this could not have happened without her.

La fille~the girl~:After so much grievance, abuse he was forced to endure from an early age, he was able to reopen to someone after a long time, and although he could not yet know this, she made the best decision of his life with the particular self-confidence club where he met him.

The story begins in mid-2019 and follows the real race calendar.

Hi everyone. I really hope you will follow Carmelle and Pierre on an adventurous journey and follow their story. Once again, I want to thank that wonderful girl for allowing me to translate her story and I hope you like it. I wish you a good reading.

The original storie is avalaible on @muffins004 website as Stand By Me-Pierre Gasly in hungarian.

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