What he'd like to do to me!

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Jonah's P.O.V

'Oh my god! Mr. Depp looks so hot... Oh my fuckin god! What are you thinking. He's your teacher.' I thought. "Jonah. Jonah. Jonah!" Mr. Depp said, snapping me out of thought. "Sorry. What?" I replied. "Class is over, Jonah. But I'd like to talk to you for a minute. I'll even write you a late slip." He said. I walked over to his desk. "Y-y-yes." I stuttered. "You seemed distracted in class today. I would prefer if you stayed after school today. You can call your parents to tell them that you'll be late." He said. "No, I understand everything. I promise I'll pay more attention." I begged. "Jonah, I'm the teacher. I'm sorry, but you're staying here after school and that's final." He said, filling out a late slip for me. "I'll see you after school." He said, giving me a 'tough deal with it' look. I grabbed my books from my desk and ran down the hall to my next class.

*After school*

My last class just finished and I had to stay behind with Mr. Depp, I was kinda happy and kinda pissed. I made my way to his class and sat down at my desk. I waited for five minutes until I decided to ditch. I quickly packed up my stuff and started running down the hall. I turned the corner and just my luck, I ran into someone. "I'm so sorry..." I started. "Sorry for bumping into me or sorry for ditching our meeting?" Mr. Depp asked. "B-b-both?" I questioned. He picked up my book bag and purse and carried them to the classroom. "Did you explain to your parents where you are?" He asked, pulling a chair over to the front of my desk, so he could sit across from me. "Yeah, I just texted my mom." I said, putting my iPhone into my purse. "Well, you seemed really distracted today. And I don't want to hear that you understand because I know you were off in your own little world today." He said, doing hand gestures. "Your old teacher had also left me a note saying you struggled in math." He said. "I kinda struggle and I just need a little bit of help, I swear. And my mom really wants me to stay for extra help. I don't know why, but she's the adult." I said, feeling embarrassed. It was if he read my mind. "Don't be embarrassed. If it makes you feel better, I never understood anything in math and I was always nervous to ask a question." He said, crossing his legs. "It also says you missed a bit of sex-Ed and its my job to make sure you understand." He said, feeling awkward, I could tell. "Mr. Depp, I really don't feel comfortable discussing sex-Ed with you." I said, fidgeting in my seat. "Jonah, I know you're uncomfortable, but you need to learn." He said, standing up and walking over to his desk. He grabbed a piece of paper and walked back. He set it down on my desk and stood behind me. "Okay, now name the proper term of each sex's genital area." He said, handing me a pencil. I wrote down the two well known answers and waited for my next instructions. "What can be used to prevent pregnancy?" He said. I wrote down 'condom' and 'birth control'. "Are there any questions so far?" He asked. "I don't think so." I said. He finished asking me questions and we moved onto math. "Okay, now do you understand what you're learning in math?" He asked, sitting on the desk next to me. "Mr. Depp, can I please go to the washroom?" I asked. "Of coarse, I need to make a phone call anyway." He said, as I walked out of the classroom. I went to the bathroom and came back. Before I went in the class again, I stood at the door to listen to his phone call. "Yeah, I'm tutoring one of my students named Jonah. God, she's hot... I know... Should I ask her out?... Ok... I got to go... Bye." He said, before he hung up his cellphone. I walked in and grabbed my bags. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I heard you on the phone. I think it would be best if I leave." I said, leaving the class. I walked out of the school and hopped on my bike with my book bag on my bag and my purse in the basket. I peddled and turned to look at the school before I left, I saw Mr. Depp watching at me with hurt in his eyes.

Hey guys, I really hope you liked this chapter. I just wanted to thank all my readers and followers! Thank you so much!

Love: Grace <3

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