I sat back in my chair as I thought about what I'll tell her. My phone vibrated in my pocket bringing me out of my thoughts.

I groaned as soon as I looked at the caller id. It was Steve. "What?" I answered as soon as I picked up.

"Whats up bro? Why are you so grumpy? Has the deal failed?" He asked all in one go.

"Relax man. It's still on and we're going steady. I said while pinching my nose.

"Alright, you have two months left. Remember you have to make her fall in love with you in three months." He said
"I know. I know." I replied in a bored tone before he laughed and hung up.

Saturday had to reach sooner.


Isabella's POV

It was a Friday afternoon when I had just finished my assignment and handed it in.

Two weeks had passed since I had last talked to Alvin.

I missed him but I couldn't bring myself to believing that he was in love with me.

How could the senator's son fall in love with a nineteen year old baker.

Beth and Selena had told me to give our relationship a chance and Selena was also visiting this weekend to put some sense in me as she had claimed.

But I was afraid. Afraid of having my heart broken. I had very serious trust issues towards people and I think that's why I had very few friends.

Alvin's sister Alicia had told me that he had never been in a serious relationship. What if he just wanted to get me to bed? Just like his casual flings. I wouldn't tolerate that.

I walked back to my hostel room just thinking about everything.

It was just 3:47pm when I reached my room.
I decided to take my usual naps before six when my shift started.

I was awakened by my alarm clock when it rung at 5:45. I quickly rushed to the bathroom, washed my face and quickly changed into black jeans and a multicolored offshoulder that I bought from some store downtown.

I went on to grab my crossbag and locked my hostel before running down the streets of Houston.

Luckily, it was 5:58 when I reached the bakery.

That was close. I quickly went to the locker room and changed into our uniform and started working.

"Isabel. Mr.Thomas wants to talk to you in his office." Jenny, one of my coworkers said.

I quickly wiped my wet hands on my apron and mumbled a small ok to Jenny, before I made my way to Mr. Thomas' office.

"You called me sir." I said as I peeped into his office.

"Oh Isabel, you're here. How are you?" He greeted as he flipped through the book in front of him.

"I'm good sir. How are you?" I said.

"I'm good too Isabel. Anyway, I called you here because I need you to do me a favour. " he said and I stayed quiet, waiting for him to continue.

"Well, there's a household on 5th street that needs a delivery for a birthday cake tomorrow afternoon."he said. "Don't worry, Beth already baked and iced it. All you have to do is deliver. Okay." He said.

"Alright sir, I'll do it."I said.
"Okay then. You can get back to work." He said dismissively.

I quickly got back to work and in no time, I was done with all I had to do for the day.


Since I was supposed to deliver the cake at around 2pm, I woke up at midday, did my laundry, made a chicken sandwich and had a quick shower.

I wore a black dress that ended just above my knees and I paired it with a red leather jacket.

I quickly ate up my sandwich, grabbed my bag, locked my place up and walked to the bakery.

I decided to call Selena to find out where she had reached.

She informed me that she'd be here at around 9pm since she had to work first.

I decided to use a cab to deliver the cake since that would increase on my transport allowance at work.

I reached 5th street in about fifteen minutes and I stopped at a very tall apartment building which looked expensive.

I quickly read the apartment number on the note Mr. Thomas had given me and I made my way to apartment number 8.

I knocked on the door and in no time, an elderly lady dressed in maid uniform opened the door.

"Hello. Good afternoon. I'm here to deliver this cake." I said smiling and she smiled back.

"Oh darling, come in and wait for mister. He'll be here anytime." She said as she paved the way for me.

I walked into the house and I was completely mesmerized. It was beautiful.

"Would you like some water?" The old lady asked.

"Yes please" I managed to say as I sat on the white couch.

The maid brought my glass of water and mumbled a thanks before she stormed off.

I was scrolling on my phone when someone came into the sitting room.

I didn't bother looking up as I continued texting away.

"I thought I'd never see you again." A voice that I knew very well said.

I was frozen. What was he doing here. I feared looking up as I was well aware that he was looking at me and I didn't want his deep blue eyes to read through me.

Alvin was here. I had managed to avoid him for two weeks but today wasn't just my lucky day.

I forced myself to look up and when u did, i noticed that he was standing next to his best friend David.

That's when realization hit me. It was David that had ordered for the cake.

"I'll leave you guys alone." David said as he left.

It was just me and Alvin now.

He moved closer to me in long strides and i moved back, till i hit the wall.

He was a few inches away and u couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"You look beautiful." He said but i stayed quiet.

"Why weren't You picking my calls or even replying to a single text? Where you avoiding me?" He asked.

That was true.

I was avoiding him.

I just stayed quiet not knowing what to say.

He raised his hand and gently caressed my cheek.

"I still love you either way. In fact, i love you more even. And i know you also feel the same way i do." He said.

I just shook my head trying to deny but my heart said otherwise.

He lifted my chin up so i could look at him.

"Then look straight into my eyes and say you don't love me."said.

I closed my eyes unable to say a word because i loved him, no matter how hard i tried.

He crushed his lips on mine, and this time he coaxed me to open then and i did.

His lips felt so soft, his breath warm as our lips moved in sync.

He broke the kiss and rested his forehead on top of mine, both our eyes closed.

"I love you Bell." He said before caoturing my lips with his again.

"I see the two lovebirds are back together now." A grinning David said. "Here's the money for the cake." He continued while handing me the money.

"Thanks. I have to get going." I said as i stepped out of Alvin's firm hold.

"I'll drop you off." He said firmly leaving no room for argument so i just agreed.

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