Part 3

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"I'll think of something." she mumbled slightly agitated.
Jane sat in the library of Moonacre manor like on most afternoons while spending her time with writing. This time however her writing was sloppy, the paper ripped in several places where she furiously crossed out a failed attempt at finding the right words.
"You shouldn't take too long though or time will end up making that decision for you."
Loveday sat across from her in the same spot that Robin occupied just yesterday.
"Would you hold it against me if I told you that I really don't know what to do?"
"No, of course not. Even though I personally find it very interesting how you claim that you haven't made a decision, yet you've been writing letters to Maria and Robin the past few days in preparation of your departure.", the older woman said knowingly.
"I wouldn't be able to leave without giving them a proper explanation. They deserve it. But it's so hard...", she trailed off.
"It's because you don't want to le-"
"I have to.", Jane interrupted.
"I can't stay here and pretend like everything is fine. I have a life to get back to, no matter if I want to or not.", she hung her head slightly and sighed.
"It's not my place to stay and I just want both of them to understand that there is nothing they, or anyone else can do about it."
Loveday reached over the table and grabbed both of the brunette's hands, making her drop the quil onto the unfinished letter.
"You can stay.", she said with a soft smile.
"This is not a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is your decision, and you are free to do however you please."

Loveday was right, of course she was, but Jane couldn't bring herself to truly accept that.
Her heart ached just thinking about leaving her new friends behind in favour of a life where there wasn't even anyone to miss her at all. But she did what she came here to do and now she had to leave again, it was as simple as that.
Would Maria be mad? Probably.
Would Robin be heartbroken? Definitely.
She sighed again.
Of course she had noticed the change in his behavior. He wasn't wearing his feelings on his sleeve but he was also terrible at hiding his nervousness, the blush on his cheeks when she teased him or the way he looked at her when he thought she wouldn't notice.
She had already seen this kind of behavior before, not that he would know, and was painfully aware of the crush he was slowly developing on her.
Poor Robin...
It was painfully obvious that his father treated him horribly, even after everything that has happened since she came here.
She had hoped that there was something that she could do for him, something to get him out of his father's grasp, but one look at her wrist and the golden bracelet that adorned it was enough to remind her that she was running out of time..
The same golden bracelet with the small rubies that had brought her here in the first place, was glowing less and less everyday, indicating that its power was slowly fading. Soon it wouldn't be able to transport her back at all, and, as Loveday said, would finally make that dreaded decision for her.

"You know, I still don't know why you even bother wearing that piece of scrap on your face."
Robin flinched at the sudden sound of Jane's voice next to him before glaring at the young woman as was casually leaning against a tree.
She laughed.
"Did I really startle you? I thought we agreed to meet here?", she chuckled.
"Well I didn't think you'd be here already, especially not hiding behind a tree.", he exclaimed.
"I wasn't hiding."
"But speaking of hiding, what is that thing even supposed to accomplish?", she gestured to his face.
"I mean, it's not even a good disguise. If anything, your unruly hair and questionable fashion choices give you away instantly."
He rolled his eyes and pulled the fabric from his face.
The feathers... She was definitely talking about the feathers.
"Oh come on, you know I'm just joking.", she said as she walked up to him.
He huffed and started walking further into the forest.
Why was he in such a bad mood?
Jane frowned before it dawned on her. With a concerned expression she caught up with Robin and fell into step next to him.
"What did he do now?", she asked, looking at him expectantly.
"It's nothing...", he mumbled.
"It's alright.", he paused before adding: "It's nothing I can't handle anyway."
She stopped abruptly and grabbed the sleeve of his jacket to make him stop and face her.
"Did he hurt you?"
He averted her gaze.
"Really?", she asked quietly.
He remained silent.

Jane shook her head.
"I'm sick and tired of having to send you back to him all the time."
"It's okay."
"No it's not!", she grabbed the sides of his face as softly as possible to make him look at her.
"Robin, the way he treats you is absolutely disgusting. You're his son for crying out loud!", she sighed in frustration,
"Look, I know blood is thicker than water but that doesn't mean that you should put yourself through hell every single day just because he's your father. You don't deserve the pain he causes you."
Robin swallowed hard, his eyes still cast to the ground and his hands clenched into fists at his side.
Jane looked at him for a few seconds before she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug.
She could feel him tense up before he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her as well, pressing her into him like he was terrified she would otherwise disappear.
A few silent sobs shook his body as she tenderly stroked his back and tangled her other hand into the mess of curls at the back of his head.
"It's alright.", she whispered which made him tighten his grip around her a little more.

Benjamin paced around in his study.
"What?", Jane said with a dumbfounded expression.
"Are you out of your mind? He's a de Noir!", he threw his hands in the air in desperation.
"You do realize so is your wife, right?"
"That's something completely different.", he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Look, if Robin stays here without his fathers approval, Coeur de Noir will be right on our doorstep not soon after and he will be furious."
"Let that be my concern then.", she said matter-of-factly.
"You say that like it's the easiest thing in the world.", Benjamin shook his head.
"Isn't there an alternative?"
"We could kill his father.", Jane said blankly without missing a beat.
He was taken aback by her answer.
"You can't be serious..."
"You wanted an alternative, you didn't specify that it had to be a good one too."
Benjamin opened his mouth to argue but Jane cut him off.
"Look, I understand your concern, I really do. The thing is, I'm not proposing this idea because of a whim, it's because it's the only option I can think of right now to get Robin away from his father.
To be honest I'm only asking you out of courtesy, the second I propose my idea to Loveday this matter is settled anyway."
Her words were final, Benjamin knew that much. She was right when she said that Loveday would agree with her. Robin was her little brother after all and she knew all too well what their father was capable of.
"Alright...", he finally gave in.
Jane was about to silently celebrate her victory when he added: "But if Coeur de Noir is tearing down the front door I expect you to resolve the matter".
She wasn't sure if she would get out of a confrontation like that alive but it didn't matter to her because she was doing it for Robin after all.
Her face fell the very second she finished her thought.
Oh no...

"I heard what you and uncle Benjamin were talking about. Are you really bringing Robin to the manor?", Maria said while lounging in one of the chairs in the main hall. Clearly, she had been waiting for her.
"I told you multiple times that you're not supposed to eavesdrop on people.", Jane sighed.
"Why do you want to bring him here?", the young girl kept questioning.
"I thought you heard what we said, you should know."
"Well, I didn't hear all of it...", she trailed off.
"But I'm curious!"
Maria didn't actually need a proper explanation. She had her own theories regarding the current events.
"You want him here because you like him?"
the young girl asked out of the blue.
Jane thought she misheard her question but the eager look on the red-heads face confirmed that she did, in fact, understand her just right.
"Well, mostly because I want him to be safe and-"
"So you care about him?", Maria interrupted.
"I... guess?", Jane had a slight suspicion as to where this conversation was going.
"You're in love with him, aren't you?" Maria asked with big eyes, waiting for Jane to confirm her theory.
"Well, love is such a big word. It is not something to throw around lightly. Love takes time to blossom and to grow and-"
"I knew it!", Maria exclaimed, clasping her hands together in glee.
Jane froze, her hands still mid-air from waving them around during her explanation.
"Loveday will be delighted to find out." And with that Maria turned on her heels and dashed off towards the stairs.
The brunette dropped her arms back to her side with a sigh.
Why was she even trying to argue with a 14 year old smartass....

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