Reap what you sow

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Ronnie- Mia hurry up before your late for school
Mia- ok mommy
Ronnie- and don't forget your bag .
Mia- ok
The phone rings
Ronnie- hello
Trix - hey girl do you remember what we gotta do today
Ronnie- yea I'm getting the deposit ready now soon as I drop Mia off I'll be over there
Trix- alright I'm so glad I can count on you it's a good thing you forgave me for leaving you hanging that night
Ronnie- it's alright she had a gun you ain't have no choice but let the past be the past I'll see you when I get there
Trix- alright bye
Ronnie- alright Mia let's go
Mia- mommy are you gonna pick me up after school
Ronnie- no your grandma going to pick you up I gotta work all day
Mia- I hate when you work
Ronnie- if I didn't work you wouldn't be have all the things you want besides a woman must always make sure she secures the bag now come on we're late
Ronnie- alright bye Mia have a good day at school I'll see you later I love you
Mia- love you too mommy
Ronnie drives down to the bank to make a deposit and heads straight to her club that she owns with her best friend trix after they were released from jail they decided to go into business for they self.
Ronnie- hey girl you ready to get this day started we got these auditions for our new dancers so hopefully we find what we looking for. The girls we got are good but I need somebody that gonna be amazing and a real eye catcher
Trix- like Diamond was?
Ronnie - Diamond wasn't all that she was overhyped
Trix- now you frontin you know Diamond was gorgeous and had everyone attention including you I don't care what problems y'all had you gotta give the girl her props
Shit if we being real if she wouldn't have quit after that night she would've been head bitch in charge she earned that right
Ronnie gives trix the side eye
Ronnie - she ain't earned shit and why are we talking about her anyway can we focus on these auditions please
Trix - are you still salty about what she did to you I told you to let that grudge go
Ronnie- ain't nobody salty or mad we both know she got lucky that night besides didn't hit you and yo ass cried
Trix goes silent
Ronnie- that's what I thought now let's get started
Ronnie and trix go through auditions several auditions and chooses two girls name Layla and Kiana
Ronnie- I hope y'all for this because once you get in this business there's no getting out of it now I believe you both will be real crowd please so don't make me regret my decisions one thing I don't play is about my money there can be serious consequences for that now y'all can start tonight be here at 9
Ronnie- I'll be back I gotta go pick up mia's dollhouse
Trix- you gonna spoil that girl
Ronnie- anything for my princess that little girl is my heart I may have done a lot of fucked up shit but one thing I'll do right is be a good mother to her she deserves that
Trix- alright girl I'll see you later

Ronnie heads to target to pick up the dollhouse and as she's walking and talking on the phone she accidentally bumps into ebony in the store.
Ronnie- ebony!
Ebony- you look surprised to see me
Ronnie - no it's just I didn't expect to see you that's all how you been
Ebony- I been ok haven't seen you since court you know the day you couldn't even take responsibility for your actions
Ronnie- listen sorry about that I was young and that night was crazy I didn't mean to leave you but I had no choice
Ebony- what you mean you didn't have a choice I was supposed to be your friend
Ronnie- and he was my brother and family comes first but obviously you don't know nothing about that especially since you betrayed your own cousin
Ebony puts her finger in ronnie's face
Ebony- first of all you put me up to it and Diamond and I worked that out before the rape even happened
Ronnie- oh well if y'all worked it she would've came and got you before you were raped but obviously she didn't give a damn about you that night there's a saying you saying you should learn ebony "you reap what you sow" now just think about that .I gotta go my baby is waiting for me
Ebony looks like she wants to cry but decides to just leave the situation alone and go on about her business. But she can't help but think about what Ronnie said did she really reap what she sowed that night?

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