- Monday, August 10th -

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The next day passes by quickly. My last day of freedom I had spent preparing for work and so it wasn't too eventful, but that's alright. As I stand outside of the tall, gray building I shudder at it's cold and intimidating vibe and take another sip of my black coffee. I like the bitterness of black coffee... well if I am being honest I really just love black. I mean not only does it go good with pretty much anything, but it's also just an awesome stand alone color. My mom used to always complain about me wearing nothing but black from head to toe. She thought it was just a phase, but boy was she wrong! Ten years later, I'm still covered in it, with a black beanie on the top of my head, a Rolling Stones t-shirt, black ripped jeans, black nail polish, and Balenciaga sneakers...yes I know it's my first day at work, but I have known the owner of the company for years, he won't care what I wear. Honestly, he's like a big brother to me. Someone I have always really looked up to, and now I'm gonna be working for him.

Opening the large double doors is a pretty woman with a scowl on her face. "Hi," she says cordially, nodding for me to follow her to wherever I am going first.

"Quite the ensemble you have there." I think I hear her mumble under her breath. I'm not sure because as soon as I enter the room my breath knocked out of me. Standing not more than five feet away is a girl, and not just any girl, but the girl. What a small world this is, huh? You think you have lost your chance with something and BOOM! It slams into you with such great force you aren't even sure that it's real anymore.

"Um, Cole? I don't have all day," the woman rolls her eyes at me reminding me of Cadence. I look up at her for the first time and notice her name tag. Deanna.

"Hey Deanna," I catch her attention as her name leaves my lips. "Who is that girl over there? She's a bit young to be working isn't she?" I ask even though I already know the answer. I just need to know more about her. I look at the outfit she is wearing today. Wow is all I can say. The girl is wearing a silver bomber jacket, black skinny jeans, and white platform sneakers. Today her hair is up in braids... I wonder what it would look like down...?

As I am thinking, Deanna interrupts me yet again. "Did you hear me?" I shake my head and again, she rolls her eyes. "I said that she is an intern. She goes to FIT, you know the best fashion college in all of New York City?" I nod again. "Yeah, it's a shame that Parker has really only used her for coffee orders, she seems like she has an eye for clothes doesn't she... I mean I don't give a shit, but you seem to care a lot so... ."

"Absolutely. She has a unique style...do you think Parker would let me work with her? I mean she's an intern, but she would bring a unique look to the clothing if we let her." I sound a bit desperate, and I think Deanna's catching on, because she grins and looks knowingly at me.

"Cole... why don't I show you to your desk and then you can flirt with your coworkers," she smiles for the first time since I met her (yes it was exactly five minutes ago, but still). Rolling my eyes, I shrug, taking one more glance at the girl before following Deanna up the stairs. "It is your first day after all... you aren't gonna get treated any different just because you and Parker are like old friends or whatever." She nods to an office and I go ahead, open the door and grin. It's a small office, sure, but it's all mine! The office is painted grey, and it had only one floor-to-ceiling window, which faced the main road. On the grey desk sat a desktop computer, a notebook, and a stack of papers sitting under a paperweight. In a corner, the air conditioner was blasting at a high, and there was a swivel chair in the middle of the office.  My own office... all for me. It wasn't much, but it was something.

"Oh my God, Deanna. This place is like freezing." I look down at my short-sleeved shirt. I knew I should have brought a jacket. "Yeah, I don't know why, but Timothy likes it cold," she shrugs, and I notice her short sleeve dress and raise an eyebrow at her choice of clothing. "What? I like to look good... even at work." she grins at me, and I smirk. I like this girl, but she is in way over her head with Timothy as a boss. Well "co-chair". Like he would ever share the spotlight with this girl. Deanna did not come across as someone who Timothy would purposefully hire. Not his kind of person. I shrugged to myself and sat down in a swivel chair. Damn, I had always wanted one of these at my old home. My father would always tell me that it would be hard to focus with one (well he told me a lot of bull shit) but look at me now. My own office, my own desk, and my own swivel chair. Checkmate, dad.

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