Chapter 1

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Her heart was racing and she was starting to run out of breath. She tried to scream for help but nothing came out. She ran as fast as she could. Her bare feet hitting the pavement over and over again. Her dress ripped. She looked back in fear. She saw nothing but heard footsteps. She stumbled and reached out to catch herself. She let out a slight scream. Tears start falling down her cheek as she tries to crawl. She hears the footsteps getting closer and she gets to her feet. She looks around searching  for a place to run to or hide. To her left is a closed down warehouse and to her right is the water edge. She saw a turn up ahead so she took it. She took another look behind her but saw nothing but the black night. Then she tripped on something. She fell to the ground and hit her head. She laid on the dock, not moving. She couldn’t hardly see and she couldn't move. She laid there with her head throbbing and waited.

"Darling you really should watch where you're running." 

She heard as the group of men laughed. The sound of their voices echoed in her head making her cringe. 

"Is she hurt?"

"Oh she is fine. Look, she is breathing and her eyes are wandering."

"But she's so quiet."

One of the men kneeled next to her and ran his fingers through her hair. And two more stood by laughing.

"What a sweet lady we have found out wandering tonight."

"In such a pretty dress!"

They laughed. She laid there helpless, unable to move herself, her vision fading, she felt them start to grab at her as she started to black out. Her mind ran in a  million different directions as she just laid there. 

"What the fuck is going on here?!"

Then blackness was all she saw, heard, and felt.


She woke up and quickly looked around her. Her head ached as the bright sunlight hit her eyes.     

"I'm glad to see you're awake. 

She turned around and saw a large man sitting on the dock next to her.    

"After your fall I was afraid to move you.  When you didn't wake up I thought you might be dead but then I heard you. And of course you were still breathing.”

She just stared at him with a curious look on her face.


She shook her head and looked down.    

"I'm sorry, I'm Scout. May I ask your name?”   

She looked up at him, shocked.

"Ok Serena, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. And yes I was there last night.”   

Her eyes just stared at him wide. She started to move away from him.    

"Don't worry I won't hurt you. I stopped them before they did you any harm"

She just stared.  

"How did I know your name?"

Now it was his turn to look at her with a questionable look. 

"You just told me your name."

She stared.

"Yes you did! How else would I know?"

She thought to herself How could I tell you? I can’t even talk. She started to stand but became dizzy and had to reach out for balance. Before she fell back down he caught her by the wrist. 

"What do you mean you can't talk?"

She was so dizzy and confused. Her mind was starting to race. 

I mean I'm mute I can't speak! 

"But if you can't talk how did you just tell me you can't talk?"

She looked him in the eye.

I didn't! Wait, you can hear me?

"Of course! wait your lips didn't move."

She opened her mouth and tried to speak. But like always nothing came out. She was just as mute as the day she was born.

"But last night I heard you screaming for help and when you were passed out I heard you talking in your sleep! And I can hear you right now!"

She started to turn and walk away. 

He is crazy. I have to get away!

"I'm sorry I don't want to scare you. You can go. I'm not stopping you. But I can hear you."

Can you understand what I'm thinking right now?

"Yes! That's what I'm trying to tell you."

And you saved me last night?


She stared him in the eyes. She didn't know why but she believed him. She found herself drawn to this man. She didn’t know why though. Could it be because he can understand me? She saw him smile. 


"I can hear you."

He let out a little laugh. She saw his smile and her heart started to race. Then she finally looked down at herself and remembered the events of last night and ran.

Silent Listener (Complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang