Chapter 26

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Serena couldn't believe the scene playing out in front of her eyes. 


The moment her mind screamed out to him he looked up at her and his eyes grew double in size.


It was like time went into slow motion. There were four huge men holding Scout and beating him up. They hadn't noticed her presence. That was until Scout had yelled at her to she should run...but what about Scout....he said run! So without a second thought she turned around and started to run toward the door. Only she forgot about her damn heels. She almost twisted her ankle and before she took another step she ripped one off. As she grabbed the second one a hand grabbed her wrist and an arm tried to wrap around her. She tried to focus on what Scout had taught her. She was quick and the man hadn't expected her to get out of his reach so fast. She didn't think twice, she ran out the door and kept going. Her mind was running as well. She couldn't yell for help, she couldn't call 911, she didn't even have her cell on her. She didn't know what to do or where to go. So she just kept running. The only thing her senses registered was her bare feet smacking the pavement. 


She turned around and found Warren, his car idling in the middle of the road. She ran to him and she didn't have to say a word he saw the terror in her face. 

"What's wrong? What happened? Why are running barefoot?"

She just pointed towards the gym. She wanted to scream, why couldn't she speak?! Tears started running down her face. She didn't know if she walked or if she was carried. But she ended up in Warren's car as it sped down the road towards the gym. 

"Serena what's wrong? Did something happen with Scout."

She nodded.

"Did he...he didn't hurt you did he?"

She looked at him with shock and shook her head.

"Ok, I didn't think it possible but I"m lost here."

Serena put up four fingers.


She nodded. Then she pointed at Warren and pretended to punch herself. He looked back and forth from her and the road.

"I'm shit at charades...hit...fight?"

She nodded more. Then it was like a light turned on.


Serena could feel him press down on the gas pedal. He didn't pull into a parking spot just pulled up to the curb and killed the engine. 


She watched Warren enter the gym, her heart was still racing. She couldn't just sit there and do nothing. She got out of the car and went into the gym. She was surprised and relieved to see the only people in the gym were Warren and Scout. She just stood there and tears started streaming down her face. Scout looked up at her from the ground. He reached out to her.

"Come here."

She rushed to him and went to wrap her arms around him but she stopped when she saw him flinch. Now that she was closer she could see he was covered in blood. One of his eyes was swollen shut and cuts and the beginning of bruises everywhere. 

"I'm going to go get some towels and the first aid. give you two a moment."

Serena watched him walk away before turning back to Scout. She pictured the men hitting him and tears started falling again. Scout lifted her chin so she looked him in the eye.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I've had worse." 

He tried to smile but the motion seemed to hurt.

I was so scared.

"You were amazing! You did exactly as I taught you. I couldn't be prouder."

Who were those guys? What happened?

She nearly jumped when Warren walked up next to her. 

"Ok let's get you up off the floor."

Serena watched Warren practically pick Scout up and carry him to a chair. Once he was sitting down Warren got to work on cleaning up his wounds. He seemed to be a pro at it and as a fighter and train I kind of was. Once the blood was washed away Serena had to admit the wounds didn't seem as bad as she first feared. When he was done and everything was cleaned up Warren sat down. He handed Serena a pen and paper.

"Ok now explain to me what the fuck happened."

Warren and Serena looked at Scout. He sighed and shrugged.

"I was closing up. They came in the big side door so I didn't hear them at first. They jumped me and started beating me. Usually I can hold my own but not four on one. Then I heard Serena and told her to run. No amount of training would have her ready to fight these guys and thankfully they didn't know she was there. I told her to run. Then she tripped and I thought my heart stopped."


Scout and Warren smiled at her written message. 

"One of the guys grabbed her but she did what we taught her and got out of his hold. The guys started panicking. They thought she was going to call the cops. So they took a couple more shots at me, I didn't really notice I was too relieved you got away. Then they left. I just laid her until you came in, to my surprise."

"I was driving when I nearly hit Serena running down the street. I stopped and yelled at her. When I saw her face I knew something wasn't right. There was some pathetic excuse for charades between here and there. I told her to stay in the you saw she didn't listen."

I have nothing to add. I was so scared. Thank God I ran into him. I had no clue where to go or what to do.

"So do you know who they were?" Warren asked.

"Max's guys. They said something about touching what was his."

"That bitch!"

Serena sat there confused.


She must not have had to communicate her question verbally because Warren was able to read her face and answer.

"Max is a wannabe gangster, fighter who has been dating the dragon lady."

Dragon lady?

"Victoria." Scout clarified.


"Well if you guys are good we should get him home. You don't seem to have a concussion but Serena I'd keep an eye on him through the night."

She nodded and wrote him a note.

Thank you! I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't stopped to help. I owe you.

Warren smiled at her and hugged her.

"You don't owe me anything Little Mermaid. I'm just glad we were both in the right place at the right time. Now take good care of him. I'll check in later."

They started their way outside. That's when Scout noticed Warren's clothes.

"You look nice."

"Yeah well before your girl came rushing through traffic I had myself a hot date. Doubt I'll get a rain check after standing him up."

"I'm sorry, hope it works out. You can send a picture of my busted up face as evidence."

The guys laughed before getting into their seperate cars. Serena drove Scout to his apartment and tired not to "hover" as he put it, as they made their way inside. Serena went straight to the shower and turned it on. She made Scout get in and she helped wash him. Much like their first shower together the atmosphere was full of emotions and attraction but nothing physical happened. She watched him dress and noticed whenever he flinched in pain. 

Lay down in bed. I'll order some food. 

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