chapter 2

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Sophie's POV:

As we walked into the gates, immediately I felt my social anxiety rush through me. 

Thankfully, Biana gave me a reassuring look, like she was saying, "everything is going be okay" and walked with me into the halls.

 As we walked through the halls, she helped me find my locker and gave me a brief description of where my class is and ran off, mumbling how she was gonna be late. 

Almost immediately after she left, the bell rang and everyone in the halls ran off to their class.

 I sighed, mumbling to myself about how now I can't ask anyone for directions. 

As I tried to find my class, I wandered around for a good five minutes thinking I was going in the right direction and then realising I had no idea where I was. 

There was no one in the halls, but thankfully I remembered I had a map on my phone of the school. Would have been nice if I found it five minutes ago, but at least I remembered. 

After looking at the map, I started walking the right way to my class. Unfortunately, because I am unable to walk on my own feet, when I was looking down at my map and walking, I knocked into someone. 

I heard a shriek and I looked up and saw a really cute boy with beachy blonde hair looking at his shirt. 

My eyes looked down to where he was looking and I realised my coffee had spilled all over him. crap. Just my luck to embarrass myself and spill my coffee on a really cute guy.

"omg im so sorry, I thought I closed my lid, but I guess it wasn't tight enough, and I was trying to find my class but I couldn't find it and -" I started rambling, but I was cut off by him gently grabbing my arm, chuckling while saying, "It's fine really, don't worry about it. I'll just go home and get a new shirt. I wasn't planning on going to this class anyways. So thank you for giving me an excuse."

I looked at him and his ice blue eyes were looking down at me, I felt my face blush, so I looked away trying to hide behind my hair, laughing nervously while I said, "oh okay I guess I better go to class, I'm still really really sorry though."

 I then gave him a sympathetic smile and tried to walk around him to avoid any more embarrassment, but I felt him grab my arm and pull me back.

Once he pulled me back and I was really close to him, he let go of my arm and looked at me as he replied with a smirk, "I think I remember you saying something about you not knowing where it is. So to make up for spilling coffee all over me how about you let me walk you to your class?"

"Wouldn't that be you doing a favor for me?" I said, trying to keep my cool, and imitating his smirk, even though I probably looked like an idiot.

"Wellllll you see it's a kinda a win win for the both of us, you get to class with my help and I get the name of the new girl who can imitate my smirk so well." He said after laughing at me. I blushed and giggled at his sarcasm.

"Fineeeee I guess you can walk me to class. But only because i'm late and because your soooooo desperate to get my name." I said, smirking again. 

He smiled and laughed at me. He then took my schedule from my hand and looked over it. He started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked, glaring at him.

"You have chemistry with Ms. Galvin first. She hatesss it when students are late to her class. She is also super hard and will probably pick on you for the rest of the year, because you were late."

"You're kidding. Please tell me your joking." I begged, I cannot fail a class.

"I am not."

"Well hurry up and show me where it is sir." I said, pushing him to start walking, I was freaking out now.

"Okay, okay, no need to get feisty." he laughed as he started walking. I glared at him teasingly and followed him. 

"Sooo, you never did tell me your name, and I believe that is part of the deal." he announced, looking at me.

"Oh um, it's Sophie, Sophie Foster." I replied quickly while worrying about how much my teacher is going to hate me now that I am fifteen minutes late.

"You know Foster, you're pretty cute when you worry," he said. 

I looked up at him and blushed, "Um.. thanks?"

"You're welcome " He stated. He looked back down at my schedule, and smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked, confused.

"Because we have art and gym together. I guess you will be seeing a lot more of me Foster." he replied smirking.

"Aweee thanks for letting me know, now I know what classes I have to switch out of." I said jokingly, while I looked at him making a sad face.

"That hurts Foster," he pouted, while putting his hand over his heart.

I giggled and we walked in silence for a few minutes and then he said, "welll here's your class, I think you'll have a lot of fun" he smiled and pointed at the door.

I glared at him teasingly for his sarcasm and said, "Thank you very much." 

 I was about to pull the door open when he yelled out, smirking at me, "Hey Foster, you never asked what my name is, it's Keefe, Keefe Sencen."

 I smiled at how he mimicked the way I said my name. Then, I opened the door and walked into my class. 

dancing in the moonlight~ a sokeefe storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin