💙'Video Game Style Romance'💜

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(Still no requests so I decided to do a video gamed reality Au idk I made it up- if not please tell me who did create the Au and thank you!
Warnings- Gay, VERY GAY, Youtuber shipping, cursed stuff yay, NO LENNY FACE, I wasn't asked UvU)


"GOD DAMMIT RYAN JUST BUY THE GOD DAMN NEW GAME INSTEAD OF A OLD BROKEN ONE!!!" I yelled at Ryan trying to pull him away from the old Super Mario game he found at the pawn shop the boys and I decided to check out.

"Come on Lewis!! I'm saving money this way! Don't you trust meeeee????" Ryan whined exaggeratedly starting down at me with puppy eyes.

"Frankly, I don't." I replied pushing his face away irritated.

"Last time I trusted you I ended up in the back alleyways of California!!"

"Oh come on it wasn't that badddd" Ryan taunted rolling his eyes a bit.

"I almost got kidnapped!!!"

"Pish posh details." Ryan disregarded blowing the dust off the worn out disk case.

"We ready to go lads???" Razz questioned as him and Baz trotted up to us.

Razz had Baz's hand almost cradled in his as he held the smaller Brit close.
The two had been dating for around a year now, never leaving each other's side, they were like a fly and a fly trap, they never separated. Ever.

"Lucky..." I muttered under my breath.

"Yeah I think we're ready I've just got to pay for this game first." Ryan replied and tried walking away to the cash register.

"Ryan!!!" I scolded as he completely ignored my argument, he still brushed aside my comments and started paying for it anyways.

"Uh why is Ryan buying a old Super Mario game???" Baz asked turning to me.

"He said buying a older one would be 'cheaper' and more nostalgic." I grumbled crossing my arms.

"Looks more like fall-apart-gic to me." Razz joked chuckling a bit.
Both Baz and I gave a small laugh as well even though Razz's jokes were either equivalent to dad jokes or not kid friendly.

"I've got it!! We can head back now!" Ryan informed waving the game in the air like it was some sort of trophy.

We all nodded and headed out of the pawn shop.
It was a brisk fall day, clouds covering the one source of warmth and light, the trees shedding their leaves like a dog shedding fur in the summer time, and the wind raged so quickly that you could hear it through your earmuffs.

"What should we do next lads???" Razz questioned with his mood as bubbly as always.

"Well maybe we should head to my house and try out the new game!" Ryan exclaimed blowing hot air on his frosty fingers.

"Sounds like a plan Stan!" Razz agreed.

"Fine. At least as soon as the game breaks you'll learn your lesson on buying old cheap things." I grumbled more.

"What's up with you? Your so grouchy today!" Ryan remarked looking over towards Lewis.

"I just think buying new things is better!"

"Not all new things are better! Take Pokémon games for example!"

I rolled my eyes "your just gonna do them dirty like that huh?"

"I mean it's true."

"Stop bickering you two!! Just agree to disagree and we're done here alright!?" Baz snapped smacking the tops of our heads.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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