Chapter 8: Show me Your Worth

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"Before we start, what is this awful stench?" All Might asked when his nose picked up a smell that is very... VERY disturbing to the nose.

"Mineta crapped his pants, or is that a diaper?" Jiro jabbed at the midget while pinching her nose. The smell was damn awful! The others nodded in agreement as they took a step farther away from the diaper-wearing midget.

"Oh, come on! That was Midoriya's fault!" Mineta tried to retort, but the other students just shrugged and glared at the midget.

"He did that because you were peeping on the girls!" when Kirishima said that out loud, all of the female students glared harder, causing the midget to flinch.

"Well... I-I-I..." Mineta was trying hard to come up with an excuse, but clearly, no one was on his side at the moment. It looked like the whole female group was ready to murder the midget, until a cough brought them out of the bloodlust.

"Ahem... Anyway, let's just continue on with the trial. We're losing time here students." All Might said while tapping his wrist. "Also, young Mineta, if you ever try to sexually harass the female students again, I'll have Aizawa deal with you," Mineta just cowered in fear while the females smirked.

"Anyway, before we begin, any questions?" All Might asked the group of students, and a hand raised from the class.

"Sir! Are we going to be conducting urban battles again?" Iida questioned as he looked upon the battle arena, which was a full-blown city!

"Good question young Iida! But not quite, we are going to be skipping ahead two steps!" All Might stated with fervor. "Indoor Battle Training!"

Hearing this, Izuku groaned. 'Why? Why must it be indoors where my weapons can bounce off of walls?'

"Villain cleanup is usually done outside, but statistically speaking most of the villains conduct illegal acts within closed boundaries. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals, in this hero-saturated society, any villain with a capable mind lurks in the shadows!" All Might explained while the students just listened in awe and determination. "For this test, you'll be separated into 'Villain' and 'Hero' teams for a two-on-two battle!"

"What about foundational training, kero?" a teen with dark green hair questioned. She was Tsuyu Asui, the girl with a quirk known as 'Frog.'

"This is foundational training! Only this time, your opponents are living, breathing, human beings! No robots to smash and destroy I'm afraid," All Might replied with a grin. "Remember students, the best teacher for a hero is experience. The more experience you have, the better your chances of coming out ALIVE," All Might put an emphasis on 'Alive' to better let the students know what they're getting into, which made said students flinch.

Izuku on the other hand, just nodded in agreement. He should know, really, how it feels to have experience teach you in the hellish place that is Lordran. 'Without experience, you're just a toddler fighting grown-ups in the real world, or in my case, bloodthirsty hollows that attack you no questions asked.'

"So how do we determine who wins and loses?" Yaoyorozu Momo, a girl with raven-black hair styled in a spiked ponytail asked.

"Can we blow 'em up?" an excited Bakugo asked while making tiny explosions in his hands.

"Is there a threat of expulsion like with Aizawa-sensei's exercise?" a nervous Ochako asked with an anxious expression.

"If we're separating in groups, what's the best way to do so?" a heavily armored Iida questioned with a hand raised in the air.

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