Part 16🎃💀

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You get some lucky charms and sit down in the kitchen beside quinton

He leans his head on your shoulder

Ally walks in

Ally-"it's 3:45 why weren't you up earlier?!"

You-"that has nothing to do with you but me and quinton had a school zoom call or something"

Ally-"whatever, do you have 45 dollars that I can borrow to get my nails done?"

You-"I'd rather spend it on something better than nails"

Ally-"what's better than my nails?"

You-"none of your business"

Ally-"whatever, I'll ask griffin"

You-"I don't think griffin will give it to you either"

Ally-"I hate you!, since you've came here, you've ruined my life"

You just giggle

Ally-"what's so funny"

You ignore her

Ally-"quinton why's she laughing?"

Quinton shrugs his shoulders and starts laughing with me too

Ally-"I hate you guys!"

She leaves and josh and griffin come back in through the door to see you and Quinton laughing so hard

Griffin-"what's so funny"

You-"ally asked me for 45 bucks and I didn't give out to her and she got really frustrated and I started laughing and so did quin"

Griffin-"what's she even doing here?"

You shrug your shoulders

Griffin-"anyways mads is here to take you to the movies with Quinton and jaden"

mads comes through the door with jaden behind her

Jaden-"quin come upstairs a minute"

Quinton nods his head and takes it off your shoulder and walks upstairs with jaden

Mads-"okay once your finished maya come with me"

You finish your lucky charms and wash you and quintons bowls and run upstairs to mads in quintons room

Mads-"you need to tell me what's going on with you and Quinton!"

You-"there's nothing going on!"

Mads-"it's not like you were lying on his shoulder in his bed in the same zoom call!"

You-"okay maybe I was, but nothing else happened I swear!"

Mads gives you a look

You-"alright he was comforting me because of ally"

Mads-"oh she's here"

You nod your head

Mads-"alright go get changed!"


You go into a your bag and take out your clothes

I get changed in his bathroom

I get changed in his bathroom

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