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"I can't believe you're leaving me for those rich cousins of yours," Dally complained. He leaned back against the side of Darry's truck. He flipped up his jacket collar and opened a pack of cigarettes.

I chuckled. "It ain't my choice. My mom decided it would be best for me and my sister to live with him for a bit while she looks for a new job," I replied. Me and my little sister would be staying with my socy cousins while my mom looked for a better paying job. We have other relatives we could have stayed with, but she figured it would be best to stay with them because they live the closest. As soon as she could support two kids we would move back in, and I was already anticipating moving back into my own house.

"Ahh." He lit a cigarette. I frowned. Sneaky little bastard.

"Didn't Darry tell you to quit smokin'?" I asked. I was in the room where in happened, so I know it's true. Dally sighed and stomped out the cigarette. I smiled triumphantly. He's sweet on Darry, and it's pretty easy to tell. I'm not against the whole homosexuality thing, but Dally thought I was. He's kind of the 'trust no one' type. 

"Yeah," he said. He pulled the pack out of his pocket. "Want it?" 

I grinned at him and snatched it right out of his hand. "Thank you, oh kind soul."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, shithead."

"My, aren't you just glorious!" I marveled sarcastically. I lit my own cigarette, waving it in his face. Dally glared at me and walked away. 

"And thank you for the kools!" I shouted. Dally smirked and continued to walk away.

 I watched as he bumped into Darry and they started talking. Darry looked down at the ground, kicking at the grass. It was clear something was going on between those two, and the only people that didn't see it was them. Dally's nice to about three people, but he really cares for Darry. So you should take it you can count on him when he treats you decent, much less kindly. Darry however, has always hung out in the background, doing whatever doesn't involve human interaction. Come to think of it, he's pretty reserved. Dally somehow got under the wire, and he knows it. He knows how to get under Darry's skin, how to turn him on. That rotten hood doesn't deserve Darry. Dally whispered something in Darry's ear, and Darry's face went red. Someday, I'll go to ask Darry something, but the bedroom door will be locked. Darry's not that type, though.

I couldn't help but feel lonely as I watched them. I'm straight for sure, but I just never seemed to be able to find love too easily. To be fair, when you and another kid are hiding from the likes of society for three days because you like each other, things are definitely going to be taken up a notch. But I still wish I had a girlfriend.

I met this Soc chick a couple months ago. We got along well, and she was really something. I got her number, but I threw it away. It was probably fake. No Soc girl in their right mind would like a greaser. But I think I've got something for her, and I wish I knew her number. Doesn't matter though. She wouldn't like me back. That's just how it is. Fucked up through and through.

I stomped out my cigarette and walked over to them.

"Mornin', Darry," I said, "Is it alright if I head on inside?"

"Sure, just make sure to close the screen door," he replied, "These mosquitos are everywhere." Darry looked at Dally, and I laughed. Dally threw Darry over his shoulder, and Darry started beating Dally with his fists, trying to break free. Poor Darry. He carried Darry on inside, and set him down on his armchair.

I followed them inside and shut the door behind me. I looked around. Pony and Johnny were on the couch reading. They don't seem to care about all of this gay stuff going on right now. Soda and Steve were in the kitchen messing around. Steve is a little bit of a homophobe, and poor Soda was torn between his brother and his best friend. Steve learned to deal with it, though. 

I sat down next to Johnny and Ponyboy and turned on the TV. To my delight, Mickey Mouse was on TV. I tuned out all the noise and tried to focus on the TV. Maybe if I tried hard enough, I could forget about the world around me. I usually turn to a good beer when I need to forget, but I'm trying to stop drinking so much. I have a feeling people like me better when I'm not slurring to my heart's content.

Suddenly, a loud car honk blares from outside.

"Two-Bit!" My mom called from the car, "Time to head over to Michael's house!"

Everyone gave a little laugh and I rolled my eyes. I sat up and walked towards the door.

"Have fun with your rich cousin!" Dally taunted.

"Have fun with your boyfriend!" I yelled. A chorus of ooh's and snickers filled the room, and I wish I was there to see Dally's face. But I was already out the door.

I looked up at the massive two-story house in front of me. I studied the bricks, the windowpanes, and the giant front door. I looked over at my sister, who was just as shocked as I was.

"We're staying here?!" She shrieked.

I laughed nervously. For me, this was 'don't-even-breath-on-anything' classy. I looked to either side, where similarly sized houses stood. Dally was right. If this wasn't socy, I don't know what it was.

My mom laughed at us and walked up to the front door. She knocked a few times and waited.

My aunt answered the door. She had warm, brown eyes and red hair like mine, which she had in curlers. 

"Welcome! Come on in!" I took my shoes off at the front door and walked inside. When I saw the interior, my jaw hit the floor. I was in no way mentally prepared for this. The stairway spiraled upward into the second floor. Polished wood flooring covered the entire downstairs. The house looked like a museum.

Then, a loud thumping came from the stairway. I looked up to see my cousins coming down the stairs. I took them in. My sister was their favorite. The younger cousin dismissed me and started chatting with my sister. The older cousin, who was about my age, glared at me. Me and him don't get along to well, him being a Soc and all that. It then dawned upon me that I was trapped with him for at least a month.

Well that's just great.

My mom had left for work, and my aunt was in charge. The kids were watching TV in the living room with my older cousin. We just stood there in silence, until it became too much.

"I'm going to go upstairs," I said. He just nodded at me and I turned away.

I dragged my feet up the stairs and opened the door to the guest bedroom. It was ginormous, with it's own bathroom and a big closet. I sighed and flopped down on the bed.

I was already counting down the days until I could return to my home on the East side.

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