Chapter Five: Meeting Family

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"And then Unca Dust threw flour," Nim told his newest best friends Gothy and Pally.

"Well they were baking with it," Palette said.

"It went everywhere!!! mama extra limbs were white!" Nim chirped.

"Cool" Goth said.

"Who dat?" Nim asked pointing, noticing a new person talking to mama.

"That's... Uncle Dream," Palette said in a strange tone of voice.

"Mr Dweam.. mama's browther?" Nim asked curious.

"Brother?" Patter said surprised.

"Mama, mama is Nightmare," Nim said always proud of his mama.

"Oh..." Palette said, Nim blinked feeling funny emotions from Pally. He wasn't very good at it yet, he was too young but mama had told him he'd teach him to use his powers when he was older.


Palette was shocked when he learned Nim was his cousin.

It hadn't really clicked in that the King of Nightmares and Darkness was his uncle.

Then there was envy, as Nightmare had kept Nim when Dream hadn't kept him.

"Kay?" Nim asked.

Palette blinked, realizing Nim had asked if he was okay.

"I'll be fine Nim, do you want to do a puzzle with us?" Palette asked, after all Nim had nothing to do with his woes with Dream.

"Puzzles, yeah," the baby bones cried happily.

Actually, Palette liked the thought of a cousin like Nim.


"Its... been awhile," Dream said, not quite sure how to talk to his twin after so long.

"What do you want Dream," Nightmare sighed.

Dream looked down, his hands clenching and his stress rising.

"Are you happy... I mean... yes are you happy right," Dream said worriedly.

"I am happy, I have my Nim," Nightmare said, looking across the room where Palette was playing with a small baby bones.

"There adorable by the way," Dream said, he could feel Nightmares smugness at that remark.

"Dream... why did you abandon your child," Nightmare said quietly, which was a kindness in some ways.

"I never wanted a child, I'm not ready. But that child deserved more then a half baked apple of a mother... they needed someone that could give them all the attention and love they needed.. which I couldn't," Dream responded quietly.

Three was silence for a few minutes.

"You've changed," Nightmare finally said.

"Not enough..." Dream said.

"You've matured," Nightmare responded.

"Too late for many things," Dream replied.

There was silence again.

"Mama mama! Nim made fwends," a small voice babbled, a tiny darkly garbed figure running across the room.

"Did you now, are you having fun?" Nightmare asked, scooping up the tiny child with his extra limbs.

"Nim having fun fun," Nim said, hugging his mama.

Dream found this beyond adorable.

"Min, this is your uncle Dream," Nightmare said, the baby bones turned and Dream blinked realizing Nim had golden eyes.

"Hi Unca Dweam," Nim said happily.

"Hello Nim," Dream said happily.

"Here," Nightmare said, suddenly placing Nim into Dreams arms.

"EH!" Dream said shocked.

"Be right back, Dust is about to do something stupid," Nightmare grumbled, and sped off.

Dream stared down at the baby bones, who smiled up at him.

What was he suppose to do now?

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