Chapter twenty-two

Start from the beginning

I don't want for an answer.

"That my sister, my own flesh and blood would do this to her sister!  I never had a role model to look up at.  All I had was a sister who thought of me as a mistake.  A worthless mistake." I stop.

I'm done.

The words are sucked back into my brain, locked up to be saved for another day.

Trailing off, I look at Troy.

He's shocked.

His mouth is open, wide eyes.

I look at Bea.

She has a sick expression on her face.

The on that I'm used to, but it has some pain mixed in with it.

I follow back a sob.

I get up and run.

Nobody stops me.


I find myself at a party.

To be exact, James party.

James is a party animal.  Parties every weekend.  His parents are always away.  Nobody stops him.

It's funny how I had twenty bucks in my pocket. 

After I ran, I get to go to the story to find a party dress.

It's deep blue.  It's strapless and goes above my knees.

I need a break.

As I walk up to James's house, Irun my fingers through my hair, letting the waves fall behind my back.

People are on the lawn passed out.

I walk through the door, eager for a drink.

Someone puts their hand on my shoulder.

I spin around quickly.

It's James.

"Hey Carolina." He said with a smile.

He's not drunk, that's surprising.

I smile back, "Hi."

"Where's Troy?" He asked looking around for him.

I let out a sigh.

"He doesn't know I'm here.  Look Bea's back and I needed a drink." I confess to him.

He looks back at me, smirking.

"So you came here for a drink?" He asked amused.

I nod.

"Right this way then." He says.

Following him to the kitchen, I pass couples making out, red cups being thrown, and blaring music.

James always knew how to set up a party.

Once we get to the kitchen, James hands me a bottle.

I start to drink it. 

Well chug it.

James stops me.

"Woah hey!  Not so fast!  Remember how you used to get?" He reminded me.

I stop and swallow the burning liquid down my throat.

When I was friends with him, I used to come to his parties.

Getting drunk, dancing with random boys, I was a mess.

I shake my head at the memory.

"I'm not going to do that again." I mumble.

James chuckles.

"Sure Carolina.  I'm not leaving you." He said.

I look at him.  He never stays with me.  He's not telling me something.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I might of told Troy you were here." He whispers.

"James!  I just wanted to be by myself!" I yell at him over the music.

He puts his hands up in surrender.

One bottle will make me dizzy and a little confused but it's worth it.

WIth protesting James, I finish the first bottle.  I grab James's half bottle and chug that.

Relief fills me.

"James!" I say with a giggle.

"Oh great.  Troy better be here soon."  He grumbles.

"Troy's coming!" I scream to everyone.

I see someone pushing through the crowd of people.


He comes up to me and cups my cheeks seeing if I'm alright.

"Troy!  It's you!  You know James staid with me all night! I didn't want him to!" I say.

He gives the death glare to James.

"She's your problem now, not mine.  I used to try and take care of her before but I did nothing." He says and walks out.

"I got one less problem without you!" I start to sing.

Troy picks me up.

Troy holds me as we make our way to the car.

"What did he mean by he used to try and take to you?" Troy asked.

I explain with ease.

"Well when I was friends with him, I used to go to James's parties and get drunk!" I say happily.

"Why did you get drunk?" He asked.

"Because my family hated me!" I explain.

He lets out of sigh.

Lets go home. He tells me.

I start to get tired.

"Sleep beautiful." He whispers and kisses my forehead and starts the car.

Authors comments.


Please give me feedback and tell your friends!

Also I was having some ideas on a new book I may start.

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