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You kissed The boys' heads before leaving for work you knew by the time you got home he wouldn't be there and the boys would be alone and hungry Tomo usually crying cause would be that hungry, you could barely afford the house and food so you couldn't afford a babysitter sometimes you wondered what it would have been like if you stayed with Dabi.

'It probably wouldn't have been much different.' You thought to yourself since you think Dabi would have left you.

You walked out the door and walked to work feeling like you should at least take the boys to work with you but you couldn't, you decided to take them out for a short walk tomorrow to at least get them out of the house and away from him, you smiled a little as you walked into work and set down your bag. You new job wasn't anything big and it didn't pay a lot working at the bakery paid more than this job did.

You never told Tomo or Akio that they had a father all you said to them when they asked if they had a dad was, "Your daddy died before he could get a chance to see you." You felt horrible lying to them but wanted to shield them from knowing their father was a villain and that you had run away.

When you got home he wasn't there and Tomo was whimpering on the couch while Akio tried to comfort him, you shit the door behind you and Akio peaked over the top of the couch.

"Mommy!" He shouted smiling brightly and jumped off the couch and hugged your legs tightly, you smiled as Tomo slowly trailed behind Akio and hugged you tightly, you picked up Tomo as Akio smiled and giggled, you ruffled his hair before walking to the kitchen. Tomo sucked on his thumb snuggling closely to you. Akio was energetic and very strong headed also very independent his attitude resembled Dabi a lot while Tomo resembled you when you were little timid shy and quiet. You made them supper and set the plates at the table you ate with them as Tomo seemed to brighten up a little bit after eating.

Dabi's POV

I had been searching for her for years and had never found her the league told me to move and twice tried dragging me to strip clubs now here a stood outside of a club smoking and trying to get her off my mind, the league was leaving the city tonight to go to a much smaller one near by for a mission at this point I just did what the league asked almost like a mindless zombie because without her I was nothing but a scarred depressed sack of flesh. I took a deep breath and leaned against the wall feeling the music through the wall.

The only thing that had kept me sane throughout those years was taken care of our house it was no longer her grandmothers house it was ours and no matter how long I would have to wait for her to come back I will wait but for now I have to do my job aka what the league says. The smoke drifted from my lips before I stomped on the cig and went back in to drag twice out cause we had to leave for the town soon, I dragged him out by his collar and back to the base he whined like a baby while I grumbled the entire way back, I ran my fingers through my hair once we reached the base, we all basically loaded into the back of a van while spinner drove let's just say it wasn't the most comfortable.

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