Chapeter 7

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Tendou POV

"Come on Satori-kun before the bus leave's us"

Y/n said pulling my arm, to excited to even notice me stumbling.

"wait Y/n-chan I cant walk properly if you kept on tugging my arm!"

We were running toward the school gate where buss'es were parked.

We head to our bus and sat at the front seat.

"Y/n-chan what did you bring?"

She looked at me with a grin

"Well prepare yourself Satori-kun,
for I have brought homemade onigiri's....and chip's!!"

Y/n said dramatically, she's so fun.

"What about you Satori-kun?"

She said looking at me curiously.

"Well Y/n-chan I brought sandwich'es and juice"

I said proudly with a huge grin in my face. I looked at her and her eye's were sparkling so cute.

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