Chapter 27

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Tendou POV

I'm facing the mirror as I try to style my hair, struggling as some hair aren't even

I continued to struggle not noticing as time pass

"Satori hurry up, do you want to be late for the first day of school?"

My mother said as she barged in my room unnoticed

I looked at her shock evident on my face, my hands still on my hair


"Satori, what are you doing?"

She asked me as I only looked at her embarrassed.

"I......I wanted to style my hair, because I wanted to try something new"

" want some help?"

She asked, I only nodded in return. She came closer a as she assisted me in styling my hair.

As we were done styling my hair, we came out my room as I started eating.

Onced finished I took my bag ready to leave

"Satori dont forget your bento"

She said as she handed me the bento

"Oh...and Satori make some friends, okay?"

I smiled at her


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