Chapter 18.

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"Vanished" Mikasa spoke in shock, her eyes wide as she looked to Miku.

"He was standing by the portal and then he was gone, vanished in thin air .. I don't know how to explain it Princess, he wasn't killed nor taken but just gone" Miku shakily spoke as he stood in the cave, looking to the ground trying to work out what he had witness.

"But I don't feel his life fading" Farlan replied from where he sat on the cave floor, he would have known if his and his sister familiar died.

"He didn't die but disappear, I can feel his life force but I can't track him" Mikasa muttered back as she placed a hand over her heart.  

"Then where he gone, as our familiar we should be able to track him within seconds. He shares our life link .. right" Farlan panicky asked as he stood up, looking to his sister who stood by the edge of the cave looking out to the human world. 

"No, he not sharing our life .. can't you feel it. He gone, he no longer attached to us, I sense he alive becuase he wants us to know he alive somewhere but he not linked to us no more" Mikasa corrected, a slight frown and sadden look in her eyes as she looked over to the human world. 

"A Familiar to another" Miku asked unsure, it was a possibility.

"No, we would have felt the bond break forcefully if that was the case" Farlan explained and Miku an agreed nod. 

"I don't think we need to fear, he is safe somewhere out there and he has a reason why he left. I'm sure if we needed him then he would have stayed but he hasn't, meaning we can carry on without him. We did for this long, he only returned as a copy of the ordinal once others found out who I was, he caught me as I threatened to fall and now he left once we standing on our own" Mikasa spoke up, a soft and clam voice as she looked over her shoulder.

"But what now, I hate to say it princess but I must return to the underworld. My strength is low from being out so long. I must rest for at least a couple days" Miku warned with slight concern. 

"Then rest, I'll need your power must to trace down the Child of Reincarnation. Don't worry over us, even if I die then please save the Child of Reincarnation. Their life can not be taken nor can their power be stolen" Mikasa replied and Miku gave an understanding nod before teleporting away.

"Was it wise to let him leave, I'm still recovering from having my memory released and my true power floating threw my body. I'll be stuck as a child for a good couple days and yes you can fight but not against the whole word" Farlan spoke up with slight worry, standing up and walking towards his sister.

"We need his demonic power to track the Child of Reincarnation, he'll only grow weaker the longer I keep him from recovering. At least now, he can charge up his power some more and help us safe the missing Child who was given an unwanted fate. He much more needed in saving the Child of Reincarnation then I am. You'll be safe as long as you keep to the cave, Don't leave not until your back to your true aged body and have control over your power. I don't know how well we can fight, out training is old and well things have changed but there a gun with bullets for different magical races in a wooden box further within the cave along with clothes that should fit you once your older. Use them" Mikasa replied, looking to her brother who brought back old memories of the night she thought both he and she would have died. 

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