Chapter 3

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"So where here"
"Yeah now just just sit here and wait to see if demons attack us?" I asked
"Yeah that's mostly what patrolling demons is"
"Sounds like fun"
"Yeah risking your life while doing nothing in the meantime sounds like a great way to spend your time"
"We could talk" i said not sure where i was going with it
"What do you wanna talk about"
"The night at the lake i said something don't you remember it?"
"It's all blank like weird i just remember livvy and her ghost and that kinda stuff"
" well i-"
" Kit look out" he said throwing himself into a demon that was right behind me, and to attack another one and another one and while he was doing that i was there paralyzed with fear watching him almost die, then he fell a demon caught him, so he was lying there the demon was onto him and i was doing nothing.
I started running toward it and attacked it and all the other ones around until they were all dead or had left.
Then i went to lie on the beach near Ty and draw an iratze on his skin. He coughed and woke up.
"Where? What? What happened?"
"You can't do that" i yelled
"Do what?" asked Ty
"That- i mean- throw yourself into battle you can't do that"
"Why? can't i?We're shadowhunters that's what we do"
"Well because i-well-i"
"I-i-can't live without you Ty don't you get it?I-" I stopped mid-sentence because out of nowhere Ty kissed me, he had his lips pressed against mine they were so soft and tasted something sweet and i would've never pulled away but Ty did
"What happened? Is there something wrong?"
"No i-umh...what was that?
"A kiss? i guess? Well you kissed me..."
"And you didn't pull away?"
"No? Why would i?"
"Because now you hate me and you don't want to be around me anymore?"
"No Ty what? Wh-why would you ever think   
"Well we're friends and i-well-i kissed you"
"Yeah? And i liked that kiss and i like you"
"You like me?
"Well yes since the first time i saw you actually  as i said that it felt like taking a weight away from my chest
"I-umh i feel the same way"
"You do? Great then"
"So what do we do? Like what happens now?"
"I don't know but in the meantime you could kiss me again? I liked that before"
So we kissed again but it was different this time there was no shyness or fear in it we were both aware for our feeling for each other instead it was a slow and long kiss and Ty was indeed a good kisser considering he never kissed anyone or at least that i knew of.
We stopped again as we needed to breath.
"oh" Ty said smiling
"oh" I said also smiling
" So i'm a little embarrassed to say this but umh"
"You can say anything you wanna say"
" Well you're a really good kisser you know"
"Oh yeah well" he laughed nervously "umh thanks you did a fine job too" he smiled
"So umh you maybe wanna practice some more?" I asked hopeful
"I umh i would but umh we were patrolling so i guess we should get back to that...?"
Yeah yeah you're probably right business first but like can we lay here on the beach in the meanwhile?"
"yeah yeah that we can do"
We were lying half awake on the beach, cuddling each other as Ty fell asleep on my chest.

"tell me what you need" a Kit and Ty fanfiction. Where stories live. Discover now