


*poke* *poke* *poke*

"What?" He asked in sleepiness and half in dizziness. Whatever caused her to wake him just after five minutes of him saying good night.

"I can't sleep..." She whined.

"Count sheep then!" He said closing his eyes.

"You're mean even when you're drunk!"

"Well you're such a joy to be with you know?" He said sarcastically.

She gasped and got up and sat on him.

"Take that back!" She said.

He gulped. Well, let's just say certain part of his body was getting too much excited.

"Louisa...get down.."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll kiss you senselessly..."

Her eyes darkened. And she stay put.

"I'll take the chances..."

Her index finger was trailing up his chest. His breath hitched. She even leaned down. And he kissed her...

Luke's eyes widened when he remembered what happened last night. How did he lose control?

"Okay, you look pale... Are you okay?"

He looked at her genuinely concerned about him. She was acting, wasn't she? All she wanted was this, she got drunk on purpose and she seduced him on purpose. This is what she wanted.

He clapped. "What a great evil mind you are? And you've accomplished it all! Are you happy now?"

He started speaking and his voice went an octave higher as he spoke every sentence. She looked taken back.

"Excuse me?"

"Do not act coy now!" He spat at her.

"I'm not understanding any of this!"

"Oh you don't? You get drunk and then make me take you here, you seduce me and broke my engagement!"

She took a step back. Her eyes were teary. For a minute he almost believed her. Oh whom was he kidding? She was acting again!

"I-I did not plan this!"

"Yeah right! You haven't changed a bit Louisa Branson. You're the same who you were eight years ago. Oh what do they say? Once a wh*re always a wh*re."

He was close to her face. Her face was red in anger and a tear escaped her eyes. He almost felt remorse for her and his hand ached to wipe away that tear that rolled down her cheek.

She slapped him. That was the second time he got slapped in a day. Perfect! She didn't even meet his eyes. She went on around the room gathering her clothes and she even managed to get that bra down.

Not a word was exchanged between them. He heard the click of his door. He went to make his bed. Pulling off the covers. His eyes widened when he saw the bright red spot on his covers.

He threw the covers and punched the wall. He went to his living room, to find his shirt neatly folded on the couch.



Louisa was really surprised when Macy Andrews had acknowledged her and said hi. Considering they had been lab partners for the whole previous year and she didn't even know her name.In a week she'd been dating Luke, everything changed drastically. People actually began to acknowledge her and wave at her.

She would turn to look behind her if they were waving at somebody else but no it was her. Thursday at lunch Melissa came squealing to her clutching the school's magazine to her chest.

She showed her the column 'What's Hip', the column featured the most popular thing of the week and guess who had been in number one in the hip section, Louisa Branson herself.

"This is crazy..." Louisa mumbled when she sat beside Luke for lunch on Friday.

"They're just excited... that's all!" He nudged her.

"You know I met Regina in the changing room before gym and she said my outfit looked cute!"

"So? She must've liked your outfit..."

"I was wearing the gym uniform... she was wearing the same thing too,Luke!" She said rolling her eyes.

"You're getting famous babe.." He winked at her and all she could do was blush.

And she groaned when Melissa came in with another column. This one she was on the first page itself.

"From Pauper to Princess."

The whole talk of the school is the modern day Cinderella, Louisa Branson who has caught the eyes of the star quarterback of Fallon High, Luke Devon.

There is just one question that rings in everyone's minds, how did Louisa bag the prize? Is it because of her cute nerdy glasses? Or her peculiar fashion taste ? Or her really sharp brains?

Or Luke himself has a knack for smart girls?

Which spell Louisa cast is still a mystery, but the school truly loves the charming couple and had already shipped a lovely couples'name, for today all of Fallon high knows them as,

The L couple.

Louisa groaned as she read the article. The L Couple? Seriously? This was so bizarre! Like a week back people would've said Louisa who? And suddenly she was so famous! She didn't like attention. Everybody was trying to be her best friend.

To some people it might've been the dream but to her it was merely a disturbance. People tried to chat up even in class while the teachers were teaching. Even the teachers were hyped about the whole thing.

Next morning Luke waited for her at the entrance and they walked together hand in hand. Her jaw literally dropped when everyone was dressed almost the same. Like her. In a white tank top with a sweater and three fourth denims.

"Oh God!" She groaned and dug her head into Luke's arms who was laughing at the whole ordeal.

"What are doing tomorrow?"
He asked nonchalantly.

"Nothing per se.."

"Do you mind going out on a date with me?"

"Oh sure!"

She smiled. Her first actual date!


If there was one thing that Louisa Branson knew too well, that was laying low. She laid low in the office. She didn't want to meet him. After all Luke had been a jerk to him.

Other times she would've screamed and yelled about how much of a jerk he was and how much he hurted her. But now? Now she had lost all hopes that he would be a better person and apologise. She knew for sure he won't.

So the best thing to do was :TO IGNORE HIM.

And that she did and did so well. She managed to send the files through some other person. Well that went on well for three days until now, when the elevator doors opened and she entered.

She heard a faint wait but she pressed the 'close doors' button and even after slamming it so much, Luke Devon had managed to slid his foot inside the door.



A/N: Vote and comment! :D

My Ex-Boyfriend, My Boss. (YourStoryIndia)Where stories live. Discover now