6 - Seref

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We walked down a narrow path cut into the side of the hill.  The sides of the valley were covered in little golden yellow flowers, giving the whole place a golden glow, kind of like holding a buttercup under your chin.   I would have been feeling more nervous, if I had not had her small hand in mine. It sent warm tingles up my arm. She walked slightly in front of me, and I watched her long dark orange brown hair sway as she moved, shining silkily in the sun. Her tail was twisted up out of the way, holding onto the water bag. She was slim, I could see her muscles defined under her smooth satin skin, the orange in her hair also visible in her skin, making it a wonderfully rich colour. We had to cross the stream a few times as the path zig-zagged its way down. The water was flowing very fast but was shallow and really warm, it sparkled like diamonds in the sun.

Finally, it had taken about 20 minutes before we had reached the end of the path. I looked back up the path, the tunnel entrance looked very high up the side of the hill.

As we approached the edge of the village, I could see Keetovu and the rest of the group sitting in a circle, on the floor, under the shade of the large meeting area. As we got closer, I could see they were all eating. The food was on a large plate, the size of a small table, in the middle of the group. I could see different piles of food on the dish, they all ate from this with their hands. I was slowing down as we walked into the shade, under the building. Matakai just pulled me forward, towards the group. As she approached, Keetovu barked something and everyone shuffled round. Matakai sunk to the floor pulling me with her. She sat down gracefully crossing her legs, I landed on my knees, having to put my hands out to stop myself falling into the tray of food. She giggled looking at me, laughter in her eyes. The others except Keetovu, who just glared, tried to smother their giggles, looking away. I righted myself, sitting like her, with my legs crossed. She broke open some bread, and put some of the food in, handing it to me, made another for herself and started to eat. I had a sniff, mmm not bad, I realised I was really hungry. I had not eaten proper food since getting here. I took a bite, wow delicious. The bread was the same as before, Matakai had filled it with some spicy vegetables and, I think, a type of cheese.  The others had finished just as we had arrived, but sat chattering in their strange language. They took hardly any notice of me, except Keetovu, who was constantly looking over and glaring at me. obviously he was angry at me for something ? he looked a little scary. He was more muscular than Matakai, although still slim, he was a little taller than her. His hair was just as long and silky. He had the same shape face and eyes, maybe they were related. The others although they all had the same colouring, and were all built slim and muscular, had slightly different looks. 

When we had finished eating, I had eaten several filled rolls, and was feeling very full, Matakai got up, looking down at me she beckoned for me to go with her. We left the others behind and walked through the village, which had lots of people and children, doing different activities. The children were running round, playing. Some of the women where sat in groups watching them, others looked like they were preparing food, making bread, sewing or just chatting.

We headed to a hut, a little larger than the rest, at the edge of the village, close to the stream towards the middle of the valley. as we got close Matakai called out, and an older woman stuck her head out round, what could only be, an animal skin that covered the entrance; The Woman's face became a huge smile as she came out of the hut, calling something over her shoulder, to whoever was still inside. we stopped in front of her and they hugged and rubbed noses. She was very old, she had the same colour skin, though it looked like crumpled satin,  her hair was long, but not tied back, and it no longer held the silky shine that it must of once had, The same big brown eyes, which had milky edges to them. I felt a little intrusive at this intimate meeting, looking at my feet, I watched my toes as i wiggled them in the dust.

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