3 - Awakening

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I must have passed out.  I came round with a shock as I was plunged into the water. The car whose roof I had been holding on to was above me, the weight, pushing me down in to the water. I grabbed a big breath, as I went under. the car was upside down, and being bashed around by the force of the moving water. I used the roof bars to pull myself to the rear. I could see a bright light shining through the water. The helicopter !

I had to reach that light.

I kicked and fought against the water, I was getting closer, the light was bigger, brighter.

Strangely the water felt like it had calmed, it was much easier to swim towards the light now, which was everywhere, I must be close.

I was running out of time, My lungs were burning, I was desperate to breathe.

I wasn't going to make it. I put all the effort I had left into kicking.

I broke the surface, with a massive splash, and gasped at the air.

once I had caught my breath i looked around.

"what the...?"

It was day light. the water was very clam, flowing slowly, it was warm. treading water, I looked around in all directions. 

Where the hell had the storm gone? it couldn't just disappear, i was right in the middle of it.

where was I?

I was in a wide, warm, river.  but a river where?

I started to swim to the closest bank. It seemed to take ages, my arms and legs didn't want to work i went under a few times, before, finally I reached the edge. 

I crawled out of the water onto a pale sandy bank, which was slightly sloped up. I twisted round and collapsed on to my back. I looked up at the clear blue sky, the sun large and low in front of me, i had to shield my eyes to look up. I could feel the heat from the sun warming my skin, drying my pyjamas. I could also feel my back absorbing the heat from the sand.   I was totally shattered. I felt warm and comfortable. Andrew was safe, the the storm was gone.My eyes felt heavy, I felt like I was sinking in to the sand, the heat was making me so sleepy. I would find mum and dad, just as soon as I warmed up. my arm felt too heavy shielding my eyes, I dropped it on to the sand and closed my eyes, just to relax, but within seconds I had fallen sleep.

I was sure I was dreaming.

I  was in the water, and I could see Andrews face above me. I was being pulled down, deeper and deeper, being Dragged away from him. I could see his face, fading into the watery distance. I opened my mouth to shout his name, stretching out to him with my hands, they looked luminous. my mouth filled with water,  My lungs started burning, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. 

I woke with a start gasping for breath, eyes wide. I heard something like a splash and quickly sat upright, scuttling backwards away from the water. My feet and pyjama bottoms were wet where they had been in the shallows at the edge of the stream. I came to a stop when banged in to a 3 foot earthy bank. I looked about all over the water to see what had spooked me. 

Nothing !

I could only see the water moving slowly down stream, some really big dragon flies zooming around over the water, but that was all. On the other bank I could see long grass, that stretched for about, a few miles. Then what looked like woodland for as far as I could see. I got to my knees and turned around to look behind me. I peeked up over the bank, more long grass, slopping slightly down, but instead of forest in the distance I could see hills. Pale green, probably covered in grass. 

Well I certainly was not in Muscat, that was for sure. No sign of the rocky russet mountains anywhere.

“where the hell am I?” I whispered to myself

I heard a  splash in the water behind me. I spun round just in time to see the water spray.  I walked over and squatted down by the edge, the water lapping at my toes. The river was warm, clear and sparkly. I could see the bottom covered with the same soft sand I was standing on, pebbles and some plants. Small fish darted here and there. I  looked closer,

“what the …..” I jumped up “no way!”

One of the fish had just waved to me !! With its hand ??

“no way” I repeated to my self

I rubbed my eyes, and squatted back down

I looked closer, paying more attention to the fish. Which looked more like …. Erm mermaids ???

“no way” I laughed to my self this time

They were only about 6” long, the wispy tail fins were about another 4”, long fins flowed from their heads which looked like Hair. their arms and faces, looked pale, delicate and pretty. 

I covered my mouth with my hand, “oh Man” 

I must be dead ! I must have drowned in the flood. 

That can be the only explanation. 

I am clearly not in Muscat, and since when do we have miniature mermaids on our planet? surely if there were such a thing some explorer would have found one by now ?

A couple of tears escaped and I brushed them away roughly. Well no good crying now, don’t be a baby, I scolded myself. 

I must be in heaven. I stood up and looked around. that is the only explanation for this place.

Is this what heaven is like ?? Where is everyone ? 

Another splash

I looked down, I could see, one of the mermaids. I had to stop calling them that. the one who had waved to me, I think it was the same one, she had pale purple fins. Floating just below my reflection, she smiled up at me and waved again. I raised my hand and slowly waved back. She swam away, and jumping out of the water flipped round and dove back in. 

“wow  Impressive” I smiled as I crouched down again, bending my face low to the water. She circled and swam round floating below me, just under the water,  on her back facing up at me under the water. 

She reached her hand up and out of the water, waggling her fingers. I stretched out my hand towards her, not really thinking. She shot away so fast I jumped up, landing on my butt. 

I rubbed my face again. Well if this was death, it really didn’t seam too bad. 

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