Chapter 1

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D/N= Daughters name

You woke up to cries of your 8 month old D/N. It was exactly 7:00 in the morning, the same as everyday. You got up and fed her. After doing that you got her in the tub. Bath time was the highlight of her day, she loved to splash the water so much that you ended up soaking wet after every bath. After getting her ready she felt right back asleep.

You began to get yourself ready for your first day at UA. You had passed the entrance exam with ease and took the #3 spot. Of course you didn't use all your power because that would be unfair to everyone else. You stripped down and got into the shower using your favorite body wash that smelt amazing. After you finished showering you did your hair like this.

 After you finished showering you did your hair like this

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(or whatever style you would like)

You made sure that your hair was properly moisturized and started putting on your favorite lotion. You then put on the uncomfortable UA uniform. The chest area was too tight and the skirt was shorter than it was supposed to be because of your butt. You fidgeted with the uniform trying to get it to be more comfortable but to no avail.

You sighed and gave up. You picked up your daughter and started packing her bag for the day. After you finished packing you had some breakfast, a bowl of cereal. You slipped on your shoes and backpack and walked out of your house that only you and you'r daughter lived in.

You walked to your car and put your still sleeping daughter into her car seat. After making sure she was secure you walked over to your side got in and drove off. You were driving to Ms. Edna's house. Ms.Edna is a woman you met who was having trouble in a store one day. At the time she had an illness that made it difficult for her to walk. There was a treatment to cure it but she couldn't afford it.

Every one else watched her struggle to push herself in the wheel chair so you intervened.

"Hi Ms. I saw you were having trouble is it okay if I help you?" you questioned.

"oh yes dear that would be lovely" She responded.

For the rest of the day you pushed her around the mall with your baby strapped to you. You even paid for the rest of her things and helped her home. When she asked how she could repay you you asked if she could babysit for you. Of course she accepted because she loved children. You also paid her a good amount. After watching your daughter for a month she was able to afford the treatment. Now she is healthy and still babysits because she loves the kid.

During the drive your daughter had woken up but stayed quiet while playing with the toy you brought her. She immediately erupted into happy babies when she say Ms. Edna's house. She loved the woman and she was like her grandmother.

Her babies got even louder when Ms. Edna opened the door and took your baby from your arms. They had grown so close over the past few months and so have you and Ms. Edna. You learned about her past but of course you didn't tell her about yours.

"thanks for watching her I'll be back around 3" You said before turning to get back to your car.

"No problem dearie, good luck at UA" She shouted back.

"haha thank you" you replied.

Ms. Edna was one of the only people who supported your dream. And she was on of the main people you talked to. You didn't really have that many friends because you had a child.

You were so excited for your first day at UA. You knew you were probably going to be one of the only black people there so you braced yourself for the ignorance and racism that comes along with having such beautiful skin.

You arrived and stepped out of your car. You took your time to admire the building, it was much larger in person. You started walking down the hallway not paying attention to where you were going when you bumped into someone.

"hey watch it extra"

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