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Noah woke to the sensation of his nose being tickled. His eyes fluttered open and he almost immediately winced, feeling his joints ache. He then remember Draco, who was curled into his side and fast asleep. Sunlight streamed through the open balcony, and Noah remembered they had fallen asleep on the tower. He also remembered he and Draco had kissed, and then felt himself blush.

He sat up as slowly as he could, removing Draco's arm from his waist. He looked at the blond. Draco, as usual, looked angelic. His hair was slightly ruffled and the sunlight painted his skin gold.

"Draco," Noah whispered, lightly nudging his arm. "Wake up."

Draco exhaled and groaned slightly. Noah nudged him a little more insistently and his grey eyes finally fluttered open. Noah held his breath.

"Morning," Draco croaked, sitting up to face him.

"Hi," Noah said, remembering to breathe. Draco's hair was slicked up on one side and he had pink sleep lines on one side of his face. Noah had never seen anything more perfect in his life.

Draco gave him a small smile and grabbed his hand. He did nothing, just intertwined their fingers. Noah wondered what he was thinking about, and momentarily panicked. What would they say once they left the tower? They would have to talk about what happened. Noah felt like it would probably be up to him to start the discussion. What did Draco expect from him?

"We should go eat." Noah stood, taking Draco with him. They didn't know what to do with the mattress and Noah had suggested flinging it off the tower as a joke. Draco looked like he was seriously considering the idea, so Noah then suggested they stash it behind one of the large shelves.

When they walked out into the hallway, Noah deduced that it was still early morning, seeing as they didn't come across a single soul. Early morning sunlight streamed through the open windows as they walked in silence. They stopped in front of the hospital wing, as Draco had said he should be there when Madame Pomfrey came to check on him. Noah turned to face him, and Draco did the same.

To Noah's surprise, Draco hastily glanced both ways before leaning in to peck his cheek. He then gave Noah a smile, and practically bounced back into the Hospital Wing. Noah tried to wipe the stupid grin off of his face.

He made his way back to the Common Room as quickly as possible, wanting to get a bit more sleep before everyone started getting ready for the day. It was the weekend, so he could sleep in without much suspicion.

Noah tip-toed into the room, almost having a heart attack when he saw Pansy reading a book on the couch. He froze in his tracks, trying to figure out what he was going to do so that she didn't see him.

Pansy looked up from her book and raised an eyebrow upon seeing him. "Noah, are you just going to stand there?"

Noah rolled his eyes and came over to sit next to her. He glanced at Pansy's book, and realized it was upside down. "Pansy," he questioned. "Were you waiting for me to come back?"

"No." Pansy flipped the book around. "I was just getting a different perspective on..." She squinted at the page. "Nargles."

"The fuck's a Nargle?" Noah furrowed his brows.

"No clue." Pansy shrugged, tossing the book on the table in front of them, where it landed with a loud thunk. "So..." she trailed off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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