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As Noah walked through the halls, he vaguely tried to remember what the hell he was thinking when he started this journey. For one, he wasn't the best at sneaking around at night, considering he'd only done it once and that had been with Pansy. He kept on expecting Filch and his horrible cat to pop out from around the corner.

Noah finally made it to the Hospital Wing, and paused outside of the open doors. He didn't remember where Madame Pomfrey slept and hoped that she didn't sleep in the actual Wing.

Draco was the only inhabitant at the moment, so he didn't have to worry about waking anyone else up. Noah froze. What if Draco was asleep? He'd have to wake him up. And then what? Hey Draco sorry for interrupting your much needed sleep but Pansy said you're head over heels for me haha and I was wondering if that's true. That sounded stupid. He paused a few feet away from Draco's bed and was about to turn around and leave when a voice stopped him.

"Noah?" It was Draco. Noah winced and spun to face him.

"Hi, Draco." Noah shifted his weight awkwardly. Not knowing what else to do, he stuck out his hand and presented Draco with his essay. "I wrote your essay for you."

Draco blinked twice. "What essay?"

"Charms," Noah answered, looking down.

"Oh!" Draco sat up. "Right. Thanks."

"It was no problem," Noah replied, subconsciously flexing his wrist to get rid of the cramps that were no longer there. They stared at each other in silence.

Draco was wearing his light blue striped pyjamas and the moonlight shone off of his pale hair. In the minimal light, Noah could just make out the bridge of his nose and the curve of his cupid's bow. He realized he was holding his breath, and promptly exhaled.

"I'm not seeing anyone," Noah told him. "Despite what Pansy said."

"Oh," Draco breathed, a small smile forming on his face. "Do you want to go to the Astronomy Tower?" he asked Noah, swinging his legs over the side of the bed, sliding on his slippers. "My constellation is sort of visible."

The corner of Noah's lips quirked up into a smile, and he followed Draco through the doors. His question burned at the back of his throat, but he pushed it down and forced it to wait. They had the whole night, no point in rushing it.

They walked slowly and in silence. Draco limped a little but he'd assured Noah he was fine and could walk on his own. They finally made it to the Astronomy Tower, and Draco had finally accepted Noah's help to go up the stairs.

"Why's there so damn many?" Draco grumbled, wincing as he went up. Noah chuckled and adjusted his grip on Draco to make it easier for him.

They walked over to the edge and Draco sat down with no hesitation, dangling his feet over the edge. Noah sat down hesitantly. He didn't go up there often, and he certainly didn't go to the edge and dangle his limbs off.

"I used to come here a lot," Draco said after a moment of silence. "When I couldn't sleep."

Noah turned his head to look at him. Draco stared at the sky, head tilted backwards. His eyes looked like liquid silver in the moonlight. Beautiful, Noah thought.

"You said you'd show me the constellation." Noah shuffled closer to Draco. Draco laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and Noah could almost believe that they were just a couple of normal people stargazing. Not a suspected Death Eater and a liar.

"Look." Draco pointed up at the sky, in what Noah assumed to be the general area of the constellation. "Do you see it?"

Noah saw stars. Normal stars. No pattern what so ever. "No," he said after a moment of hard looking. "Nothing."

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