Two mumbled Darry huffed and picked up his took belt. "Well now I do!"

He said walking out and closing the door somewhat harshly. "Ease up on your door."

I said mocking his voice and rolling my eyes. Two smiled and shock his head at me, I huffed, crossed my arms while walking into Soda and ponys room. Soda was still in bed he's been like that almost all week, he's been real upset about pony which is understandable. I sat on the edge of the bed and put my hand on his shoulder I knew he was awake even if I couldn't see his face.

"Good mornin' Sodapop.." I said lightly rubbing his shoulder.

He sighed quietly. "Morning."

He mumbled, his words were also muffled by his pillow as he was laying face down on his bed. "How're you feeling today?"

I said quietly, he shrugged. "I'm okay."

I sighed and tilted my head. "Really?"

He shrugged. "I'm fine."

I shock my head but didn't question him further it's not that I didn't care it's just that why push him, if he didn't want to tell me then what's the pointing in pressing him. "There's gonna be a rumble tomorrow, you gonna fight?"

I said quietly I was excepting him to say no, Soda liked fights sometimes but he usually was a little reluctant to fight in one. "Hell yeah, we'll beat'em to a pulp."

Soda grumbled, I laid my hand on Soda's shoulder. "You should go talk to Steve Soda, get dressed, eat something and have a shower."

Soda looked to me and raised an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

I smiled at him and nodded. "Come'n man everyone's worrying about you especially Steve, go out and have fun."

Soda huffed and turned his face back to the pillow. "I can't I'm worried about pony and Johnny."

I sighed. "If I tell you a secret will you promise not to tell anyone, especially Steve."

Soda looked over then nodded. "Uh yeah."

He said sitting up. "Okay well, Dallas knows where pony and them are and he's gone up today to check on'em."

Soda looked over and raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

He half whispered, I nodded my head and sighed, Soda rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Dallas'll keep'em safe."

I said smiling lightly. Soda smiled too then got up and started to get dressed. I smiled to myself and walked out of his and pony's room.

I looked to Steve he was getting ready to leave for work today too. "Wait steve."

I said Steve looked over and scrunched his eyebrows. "Soda's gonna go to work with you."

Steve's face lit up like a kid in a candy store. "Really!"

I nodded my head and Soda came strutting out I seen the frown on his face change once he seen Steve either he was masking his feelings or he was genuinely happy to see his buddy Steve. Steve walked over and put him in a choke hold and ruffled his hair. "Hey buddy!"

He said smiling wide, Soda smiled up at Steve. "Hey!"

Steve looked to the clock. "Let's get outta here alright."

Soda looked to me then nodded. "Alright."

He shrugged, Happily walking out of the house. I looked to two-bit who was already on his second beer watching some cartoon. I fell down next to him and looked to him. "How's it going man?"

Two shrugged. "It's going."

I smiled and shock my head. "I meant how're you holdin' up no one seems to ask you."

Two looked to me and smiled. "Man I know the boys are fine."

I shock my head. "Not true you wanted to go to Texas just to find'em."

Two shock his head. "That don't mean I don't think they're fine I just wanted to find them."

I nodded. "To make sure they're okay."

Two shock his head and smiled. "You're so stupid sometimes."

I mumbled under his breath. So I knew I hit a nerve two was never "mean" to his friends, per say although he wasn't really being mean it was mean for two-bit. "What did you just say to me two-bitch."

I said tryin' my best to sound like Dallas, two laughed and shock his head. "Nah man you got dally all wrong its more New York when he's mad."

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay then you show me!"

Two was actually really good at impressions mrs curtis used to say it was because of how observant he was, at first when she said that I laughed but now that I'm older I see it. "It's more like Whatcha just say to me two-bitch!?"

I laughed it did sound like something Dallas would say and two-bits voice sound like dallas. "Good try."

I laughed teasing him. "That sounded just like him! Don't be mad cause I'm better then you at it."

I laughed and crossed my arm. "Okay if your so good do Johnny."

Two raised an eyebrow. "I think that's more your department."

"What?" I said, It took me a minute to realize what he was talking about. "Oh two gross! No you know what I meant."

I said while my cheeks got red and I rolled my eyes. "I don't know Bell I barely hear him talk."

Two said shrugging, I sighed and nodded. Ever since Johnny got jumped a few months back he was jumpier then a baby bunny. "Hey don't get all down man,"

Two said smiling. "I'm not."

I said shrugging. "How've you been holding up?"

He said slinging his arm around my shoulder, I laid my head on his shoulder and shock my head. "O-okay."

Two smiled down at me. "Alright."

He said quietly looking back at the tv. I closed my eyes and fell asleep soon enough.

Word count: 1644
Finished: 20/11/20
Note: I'm having a rough time writing this haha

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