He Was Just Fucked Up...

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I woke up to the door slamming shut. "Uhhh!" I groaned turning over. "Isabella where the hell have you been!"

Dallas growled i shot my eyes opened if he was that mad last night imagine how mad he must be this morning. "I've been looking for you all night!"

Dallas said I felt his hand on my shoulder and I stiffened I so did not want to face him right now. "Dallas let her be."

Darry yelled from the kitchen my body looser and Dallas huffed letting go of my shoulder, I'm not a great fake sleeper so I'm sure he knew I was awake. "Come in the kitchen I wanna talk to you!"

Darry yelled, Dallas walked away and I sighed in relief hearing them murmur. "Did she tell you why I was so pissed off!"

Dallas yelled, Darry quieted him down and then a few minutes later I heard the back door close. I fell asleep for what only felt like seconds before someone sat on my feet and groaned and kicked them out from underneath the person, I squinted my eyes open. "Morning princess."

Two-bit smirked at me turning on the tv. "Mornin' two."

I mumbled groggily sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Bella it's like 12:00am it's not morning anymore."

Pony said laughing while walking down the stairs. "Thank you but morning is whenever I wake up ponyboy."

I said smirking to him, her hit me lightly on the side of the head. "Oh that's it you're going to get it now!"

I yelled getting up chasing him around the kitchen then into his and Soda's room, I tripped on a pile of clothes stacked up in basically the middle of the room and landed on top of soda.

Soda groaned and pushed me off of him making me land in the bed, I giggled but tried my best to hold it in. "I'm sorry sodapop..."

I said before I couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing, once I started laughing Pony did too and we were both in a laughing fit in no time. Soda rolled his eyes while sitting up. "You two and such losers."

Pony smiled before Darry yelled. "Ponyboy curtis I thought I asked you to start cooking lunch!"

I looked to pony with the your in shit face, before I sighed. "It was my fault dar I was messing around with him and he got distracted."

I said walking into the kitchen. "Messing around ohhhh."

Two laughed along with Steve, Dallas just rolled his eyes as always. "Not like that dip shit."

I said swatting him in the back of his head. "Hey!"

He said jumping and rubbing the back of his head, I shrugged and laughed before I looked to Darry. "I'll help you with dinner."

Darry smiled and shook his head. "Alright then Bella."

Darry started getting stuff out of the pantry. "Sooo what are you making?"

I said sitting up in the counter, Darry only gave me a glare and I hopped off right away. He smiled lightly and passed me a pot. "Oh Mac and cheese!"

Darry chuckled. "Only thing you know how to make."

Steve teased I rolled my eyes. "Not true I make a great grilled cheese right dal."

Dally rolled his eyes. "Sure."

"See." I said smiling. Steve rolled his eyes and picked up the cards from the top of the fridge. I put the water to boil while all the guys sat at the table to play poker. Before Johnny emerged from the guest bedroom really ponys room we just call it the guest room cause none of ponys shit I'd in their and he doesn't sleep in there. "Well look who it is."

Two said looking up to Johnny grinning. Johnny groaned and rubbed his eyes. "What happened last night."

"You hooked up with a chick." Two joked but  kept a straight face. Johnny's face dropped, two-bit laughed. "I'm just messin' with ya man you just got fucked up."

I sighed quietly and looked down to the pot of water. He was just fucked up, if that's not a stab to the heart I don't know what is. "You want an Aspirin Johnny?"

Darry said looking up from his cards and over his shoulder. "Yeah but I can get it."

Johnny said quietly. I looked over to him and when we made eye contact he smiled to me, I blushed and looked away. Damnit can I not just like anyone else... I don't wanna like anyone else though Johnny is well he's Johnny ya know he's like the sweetest guy, no the sweetest person I've ever met... other then Mrs.Curtis of course. I mean I spend so much time with all of them there was bound to be some point where I liked one of them but I never thought that it would be Johnny and I never thought it I'd have such strong feelings for any of them... it's just a crush though, right? Yeah right it'll pass not like we're gonna actually date, not like where- "Isabella!"

I jumped, and looked back. "What?!"

"The water, it's gonna boil over!" They all said I looked back over to the pot. Damnit... I turned down the heat and put it off the burner for a minute. I caught dally rolling his eyes and sighing lightly, I bit the inside of my cheek and looked to my feet, before I picked up the two boxes and poured them in the water putting the pot back in the stove. "Hey bell it's okay."

Johnny said quietly. "I prolly would've done the same thing."

I smiled at him. "Thanks Johnny..."

He nodded and sat back down, I sighed and stirred the noodles aimlessly, usually if I have this strong of feelings for someone I just avoid them till my feelings go away, something Dallas always does. But I can't avoid Johnny, uhhhh this just sucks. Finally I was finished the Mac and cheese, I gave them each their own bowl and sat down at the table next to Dallas not cause I want to but it was an open chair and the furthest away from Johnny. "mmm Bella this is real good."

Johnny smiled, pony nodded. "Thanks." I smiled looking back at my bowl quickly. Damnit I just want to tell him how I feel, I just wanna kiss him again. No uhhhh stop it! I can't he doesn't feel the same way He was just fucked up...

Word count: 1111
Finished: 09/08/20
Note: acoustic version of Idfc by blackbear slapsssss, also sorry this chapters was sooo boring

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