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Shows who we are,
Who we want to be.
Reflection of the soul,
Voice of the heart.

It changes its image every day.
Sometimes it's just me,
A plain reflection.
Sometimes it's the flaws.
Some days it shows my desires,
But the most special is
When it turns different.

For in rare occasions when I gaze
At myself in the mirror,
I see someone else.
I feel like someone else.
The reflection doesn't look like me,
Yet it's me.

A different glow,
A different smile,
An unknown identity.
Do I know the one in the mirror?
Is she from the future or the past?

If my friend, do you ever land
In a room of mirrors,
Look at each reflection carefully.
It shall silently convey something
With a mysterious smile.

This might sound weird but have you ever felt something different about yourself when you just randomly look at yourself in the mirror

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This might sound weird but have you ever felt something different about yourself when you just randomly look at yourself in the mirror.

Like it suddenly appears as if your reflection is a different person. It's the same face but something is different about it.

This thought just came in suddenly so I wrote it down. I shall go to sleep now. Goodnight!

Okay so I published it in the morning so good morning 🌞

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