The End or A New Beginning?

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Who knew a one week trip would be a two year long stay?
I should have known when my computer paper went with Baba.
An interesting coincidence.

Hadn't I planned my school farewell?
Dress in a saree, take candid pictures and hug them.
Hadn't I fantasized about how I would organize the senior farewell?
Retro and modern?
A great way to shatter those plans.

I can stay here and moan about the unfairness shown.
But, here's a change,
A change for the good.

I would have been the same if I were still there.
I wouldn't have explored like I do now.
Kolkata you shall be a beautiful chapter!
Sad you didn't get a proper goodbye.
What is this now?
The end or a beginning?

That banner actually symbolises something. Not all chapters end with a full stop so here it shall lay as a comma.

I shall go back after grade 12 to get my things back to another new place for I will be moving out of Odisha too. So I will go 'home' to get my things back.

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