
21 1 0

- jaemin pov

since that day, I've been walking her home after her work hours. it's gotten less awkward after an incident took place weeks before.

incident not accident.

well, that day, as usual, we were walking passing by a park. there were a lot of people at the park.

but suddenly, we heard a small whimpers and sobbing coming from under a park table. there was a little girl in a pink dress crying under it.

so, we decided and mirae-noona went to the girl while I was holding her stuffs.

"annyeong," mirae-noona greeted her with a soothing voice making the girl looks up, "what are you doing here?"

I only watch her a meter away. mirae-noona had a sweet smile on her face. I could only smile and control myself not to pinch her because we're in a situation of helping the kid.

- mirae pov

I was squatting beside the table facing the girl.

I held my hand out to her, and she looks at it.

"come out, let's eat some ice cream." I say and I could see her eyes filled with a hint of joy as soon as she heard the word 'ice cream'.

the girl wipes away her tears and took my hand and I gladly help her out of the table. she stood up dusting away dusts from her dress. I just look at her softly as she looks at me.

- jaemin pov

I only watch as mirae-noona wipes the girl's eyes and straighten the girl's hairs.

"let's go!" she says as she held out her hand again and the girl accept it and they start to walk.

mirae's eyes met with mine as they walk beside me. she gestured me to follow her, so I just went on and walks beside the girl.

the girl look up to me and I smiled at her. "annyeong~" was what I said as I wave my hand to her.

"annyeonghaseyo~" she replied with a cute smile and a dimple on her left cheek.

aww~ she's so cute~

we continue our walk to an ice cream store just beside the park.

"welcome~" the ice cream seller greeted us with a warm smile.

"what do you want?" ask me to the girl.


"vanilla? okay." darting my attention to mirae-noona, I ask her the same question.

"everything's fine." she says as they make their way to a bench.

"two cone of vanilla, please" I say to the person and waited there while watching the two girls talking on the bench.

- mirae pov (a lot of pov changes, sorry)

"what's your name?" I start looking at the girl as she plays with her dress.

"mirae." she replied slowly.

"oh? we have a same name." I said making her look at me.

"unnie's name is mirae too?" ask her and I nodded at her question.

"how old are you?," ask me again. "mirae is five," answer her.

"oohh~ but you're pretty for your age." I said making her smile shyly.

we continue talking about ourselves before jaemin arrived with ice cream cones on his hand. little mirae gladly took it from jaemin's hand. I just laugh at her reaction when jaemin playfully ask her a multiply question out of nowhere.

"how about you?" ask me as he handed me another cone. "I don't really eat it." say him. I furrowed my eyebrows as he continues talking with mirae.

"your name is also mirae?!!" jaemin half-shouting making me laugh at him. mirae just nodded at his question while enjoying her ice cream.

"woah, no wonder you are very pretty. did you take after this noona?" he continues and my turn to blush.

we continued to talk while enjoying the ice cream. turns out, mirae was playing with her mom. but, she went a little too far that she almost forgot about her mother. that's when she realized she was lost, so she sit under the table waiting for her mom.

we were playing until a lady came calling my name.

my name is her name too. hehe..

mirae ran to the lady and hugged her as the lady almost burst in tears. ''mirae my dear, please don't run off like that again." the lady said. so she was her mom.

the mother went to us and thanks us for accompany her daughter.

"bye, unnie~ oppa~" she says waving her hands.

jaemin and I did the same action and bidding her goodbye. we continue our walk home.

- jaemin pov (the last one, I promise(?))

and that was last week's story. back to the present time.

we're sitting at the corner of the cafe. I am doing my assignment. we also need to make a thesis for the project.

I took a glance at mirae-noona that was seated in front of me, finishing her report I think. sneakily, I took out my phone and took a few snaps of her picture.


she turns towards me and I, again, successfully snaps a few pictures making her call my name.

"nana!!" she says. I just smile at her, trying to take my phone which I, of course dodge it. she pouted.

"delete it!!" was what she says but I just shrugged off. looking at the pictures.

I pulled my phone in front of me again.

"noona, say cheese~" I say making her squint her eyes, death glaring me which I only find it cute.

"no, I don't want to." she says sulking.

"oh, come on, noona." my turn to pout.




"just a picture!!" begged me. she sighed.

"okay, okay. just a picture, okay?''

"yes! yes!"

"a picture would be fine."

she smiled and I took a snap of it.

aww~ so cute~

just a filler chapter.
sorry for not updating, the mood just don't feel right. thanks for reading...

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