Chapter 5

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Jisoo's POV:

I just woke up and I realized that it was already 7:45. Shit, I have work at 8. I got ready and went down. As I got closer to the kitchen, I started to smell something burning. I looked in the kitchen to see Taehyung cooking eggs or should I say trying to cook eggs. 

Taehyung's POV:

Uggh, this was my fifth try and its still burnt. My first egg exploded. The second one fell down. The third one didn't crack properly. And the fourth one broke in my hands. Uggh. You know what, no eggs today. I'll just eat cereal. I went to the pantry and started munching on the dry cereal with a frown on my face. Then I heard someone giggling. I turned to see Jisoo is business clothes laughing her ass out. She looks hot but she doesn't know whom she's laughing at. 

"Pff, Did you just, you can't even cook an egg. hahahahaha, I'm wheezing". "Oh, Shut up, by the way, where are you going dressed up like that". "Work, where else". she said  "Oh, where do you work" I asked. "Hmm, o-oh at a umm... a-at a, oh right, I'm a salesperson at the clothing shop." "Why are you dressed like the next CEO of some big company", I questioned. "Oh because that's what we are supposed to where. Anyway, I have to go, bye". She left

Jisoo's POV:

Oh God, that was close. I can't tell him that I'm the CEO of Chanel because he might tell everyone. I got in my car and drove to work. "Hello, Ma'm" Lisa said. "It Jisoo Lisa, and hello to you too. Anyway I want everyone to be in the meeting room at 10. I have a new project" I stated. "Of course, i'll be right on it."

Time Skip To The Meeting:

Ok everyone, I want you all to come up with ideas for business clothes. Since many companies are having their parties at this time, we want to attract more buyers. Anyway, come up with designs and we'll let them out." I said. After the meeting, I let them out to work on designs. 

A few hours later

"M'am we have about 15 designs" one of my workers said". "Give them to Lisa and bring them to my office". Lisa brought the designs and I looked through them. "Lisa, these designs are fine, tell them to make the outfits and dresses. These should be ready in 2 weeks and we need different designs and colors." Lisa nodded and went back. after everyone was done, I went back home". 

Taehyung's POV:

I just came back from work. I was driving when I saw Jisoo's car pull up on our driveway. She really is mysterious. I took out my phone and dialed a number. "I need you to find everything you can about Kim Jisoo". he mumbled a yes and I cut the call. A few minutes later, I got a call from the same person, "Sir, she has no family and it seems as though there isn't anything unusual about her. She did go to your high school though, I she was known as the savage nerd I think". "Ok, thank you, make sure to keep an eye on her". "yes sir, bye", he cut the call. So, its you Ms. Nerdy. No wonder you were familiar. You're so mysterious, who exactly are you, Kim Jisoo. 

When I went in the house, I decided to put cameras in Jisoo's room. You know just to make sure.  "Oh your home Tae" Jisoo asked. "Hmm ya" I responded. "Ok, i'll go use the bathroom now". He left to go to the bathroom. i took this opportunity to go to her room and install cameras. I put 4 around her room. 

"What are you doing in my room", a voice asked. "Holy Shit, you scared me. I w-was j-just umm l-looking around. Your stuffed lion is very nice." I held the lion up to show her. Ugh, why are you stuttering Kim Taehyung. "Ooohhhkkkkkk, Now get out". Jisoo said squinting her eyes. "And give me back my lion". "Huh, nah I'll keep this". I dashed out of the door with the lion". "YAHH, KIM TAEHYUNG, GIVE ME BACK MY FRICKIN TOY. ITS MINE!!". The rest of the day went by with us chasing each other around the house. 

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